Ah- Choo!

I'm getting a ridiculous cold, and I went home today to sleep and try and avoid getting ACTUALLY sick. I have to work saturday morning now though... It's a trade-off, I guess. I've been working some overtime lately too, so the next paycheck should be pretty sweet.

I'm watching Le Chevalier D'Eon. I'm not overly impressed with some of the animation, but there is a lot of plot, so I'm enjoying it, and definitely check out the commentary tracks, they are kind of fun.

I have no idea what has been going on, I have not been paying any attention. I have just been going through motions day after day. Anyway, I think that I am doing much better besides that. I don't know, I just decided that I should be less mopey.

I'm hungry today, and a lot lately. don't know why, but I am... Stupid hungry.
