I don't wanna be a Crazy!! FAIL

I'm venting about my personal woes, again. If you're tired of it, skip the spoilers. There will be real stuff afterward.

I have officially lost my mind. Thank god for my sister, and her loving, patient and nonjudgemental ear. But yeah, I'm a lunatic. The exact kind of lunatic Im trying so hard not to be. I was checking out the phone bill online. I see an 800 number on Jordan's phone and I look it up like a crazy. It's to one of those "chat with live singles in your area" lines. double-you tee eff, really. I flipped the fuck out. I didn't know what to do. I am completely unprepared for 1)him to be gone and 2)him to move on! My sister did her best to bring me back to reality. It's just so out of character for him. I was almost more shocked than hurt. I wanted to call him and ask, but that's ridiculous. I flipped out, like I said. I got in my car, and just started driving around. Of course eventually I drove past his house, something I don't often do. Trouble is, he was just getting home from riding his motorcycle, and I'm pretty sure that I was caught. Then I felt stupid.
What made it worswe, after I thought about it, he called it on Saturday. I went and hung out with him on Saturday night, I was there from like 6:30 to 10 and I had a really nice evening. Then two and a half hours later, he's calling Dial A Mate to chat with live, local singles. I get it, you're lonely. WHy not come home and we can try to work it out, and then we wont be lonely. I really wish it had just been a sex line. I could deal much better about that. It would still be a shock and out of character, but I wouldn't feel so threatened.

I went and saw Eagle Eye this weekend. It was predictable fun, and the car chase was way fun. Shia LeBouf was good, and it was nice the see Billy Bob Thornton not being the guy from Bad Santa. It was really well paced and never lagged. The girl, whose name I never remember, was also really good.

I joined Jenny Craig this week. I'm so not used to eating in the morning, and I can't finish the breakfasts. I think it can work though. I need the structure and the accountability. I'm not excited about next week when I drop to 1200 calories a day.
