Praise the Lord, He has brought me Autumn!

I had a really weird dream last night that while setting up for a a high school dinner theatre fundraiser, I decided to ride a horse through the mall. Randomly this child grabbed on and rode the horse with me. It was our son. He was there at the carousel by himself and no one was with him.

I'm still listening to Ani DiFranco over and over when I don't have NPR onthe radio... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind seems to be on endless replay as well. That and High Fidelity.

I chopped alost a foot off my hair. Wanna see?

External Image

There you go. It's the shortest I've ever had it, except when I was 6 years old and I had a Prince Valiant haircut. What? I was six. You gonna make something of it? *threatening gesture*

I watched the first 13 episodes of Buso Renkin this week. It's fun with alchemy, and monsters and whacky bad guys and magicl warrior girls and a hero that can't let anyone else die. A lot of wonderful stereotype or archetypes (sp) that draw us to this chosen hobby.

I really want potato chips... I don't have any.
