No Winter Here :(

Thank you for your comments on my post last time. I love you all <3

I just finished my exams today. I went ice skating with my friends for the first time and it is definitely the hardest thing I've ever attempted. I could barely stand. LOL. I wish there were winter in my country. I have never seen snow, lake or river frozen in real life ;_____; I wish I could go sledding, ice skating, and make snowballs, and throw them anywhere I wanted. Then we could have a snow fight with snowballs and make a snowman and have lots of fun together. I wish it could snow every day! Oh, I think winter is the best! I want to built the biggest snowman in the world >D

You may say winter is not always fun and winter may not seem like the most romantic of seasons. But c'mon, I'm the girl who has never seen snow in her life.

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Ah.. I wish I were in NARNIA XD

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I tried to make icons XD

Hey guys!!
I tried to make some avatars, because nowadays there are quite many people make them.
Hoho...! I'm a total noob at this. XD

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Yesterday I heard that my friend's brother's friend killed his parents. I don't know how, but they said it was because their parents wouldn't allow him to date his girlfriend, and I'm sure they had a special reason for it.
I just don't understand how he could kill his own parents?? That's so horrible. I don't care how much the guy regrets what he did, this is one of the worst things someone can do, to kill their own parents D:

No More Ponies

HOHO!! Those ponies are gone! Yaay! Though they are so cute, I don't want them to stay longer as my avatar

Yesterday I had to retake math exam because I failed. I could (quite) handle it, the exam was not really hard. External Image

Pfft, I wish there were more gift options and emoticons here..

Oohh... don't forget! My challenge here

I'm Happy Today!! XD

Oh no, my quiz was approved?? That's crap, I just don't believe it, although I can't deny that I'm glad right now. I really thought they would reject it, and it took only around 15 minutes to make that quiz. Hey, I have even remade the new questions and yesterday I was planning on resubmitting it XD

Hoho!! I promise, my next quiz.. will be.. uhm, I'll try to improve! :)

Anyway, guys, I've just finished 2 weeks full of exams. I failed at math and chemistry (I guess), the teacher haven't told me the scores but I'm sure I got red score. As for math I got 55 from 100, I know that's horrible but I'm happy because 'IT'S THE BEST DAY EVER' (clicky). I don't care with my scores.. my life is beautiful.

Oh, right.. I heard that tsunami and earthquake hit Japan just when I was eating Pizza Hut with my friends. I hope everything will be okay in Japan.

I had a Horrible Day Today

So.. my scores are

Math: 62
Chemistry: 50
Biology: 58


Actually, almost everyday is bad in my life and I'm going to rant cause a need to get it off my chest.

I just woke up in a really bad mood. Something had made me so sleepy, it was so hard to open my eyes.

One of my new bestfriends said I'm annoying. I didn't get it, I tried so hard to be a good friend. It's just hurt me to hear something like that from a friend.
After that, I cried without reason, and I had migraines really bad.

I was in my chemistry class and we took a quiz. Everyone got great scores, while I totally failed.

Haha, but then I opened the internet, I saw 11 P.Ms waiting for me, I got e-cards from Ritona and Ecnelisterger... they really made my day XD