FLCL Week 2020 (Part 1 of 3)

Overall, season 1 of FLCL is jam-packed with tons of songs, never giving you a second to breathe. The only edits I would have suggested were maybe having the full songs be heard in some instances.

For example, I would’ve liked Sleepy Head to have its lyrics instead of just its instrumental during the gun battle scene in episode 5. While I did not like the songs “Stalker” and “Advice,” their instrumentals were used expertly and they got a lot of mileage out of them for using them the way they did.
I would have probably cut some of the songs meant to foster tension such as “Beautiful Morning With You” and “Advice,” after a while they began to lose their edge in setting up tension. That may be a bias I have because I don’t think those two songs are that good. Personally I’m not a fan of Advice at all, and I would always take the full song of Beautiful Morning With You instead of the instrumental.

This was 25 pages on Microsoft Word, single-spaced, so if anyone actually read this, I love you and thank you for viewing my hard work. My fingers hurt, my back hurt from lurching like this, and I want to do something else.
Hopefully I’ll be quick about doing the same Musical Breakdown for Seasons 2 and 3 since they don’t have a high volume of music like this one does.