This is my world...
"The Answer to the Great Question, of Life, the Universe and Everything"

Hey! Just in case you wanted a little update on me. Here I am!

And here

Here too!

Good stuff!

First of all, I want to thank all of those who sent gifts and greetings for my birthday! Thanks so much for the love guys!

Second, I just want to say that I just whooped my husband's butt with an epic 167 point word in scrabble. (For the win!!)

Third, I got hit on for the first time since turning 29. It was pretty funny. This guy just turns and says, "You have a pretty smile; single?" Needless to say, I said I was married, and ran away, but it was good to know that I still got it. hahaha

Fourth, I promise to submit something soon. I have been really run down lately, but i think I'm better now. (It could be the cafe mocha talking though)

