This is my world...
"The Answer to the Great Question, of Life, the Universe and Everything"

Hey! Just in case you wanted a little update on me. Here I am!

And here

Here too!

What's the Point??


So I was just taking a quiz, and it kinda ticked me off that I was wasting time with it….Warning, this is a rant.

When I am taking a quiz, I’d like to be somewhat surprised about the result. I mean, that’s the point of the quiz right? I can’t STAND when all the answers describe or quote specific characters! Seriously, that is not a quiz; it’s a “go ahead and pick the character you want” form. And that is boooring. We all know these anime from beginning to end. We are called Otaku for a reason. If even a non-fan can predict the result, the quiz is obviously lackluster and unimaginative.
I know I’m not perfect, and I would never tell anyone to stop trying their best. But, if you don’t have imagination enough to come up with a few REAL questions, be prepared to get a negative vote from me. I’m not trying to be mean here. I am a huge advocate for “A for effort”. Please all, try your best not to make these quizzes anymore!

My Favorite Countries of Hetalia!

Want to take the Quiz?? Here's the linky >HERE<

Here's meh list!

No. Name
1 China
1 Thailand
3 England
3 Japan
3 Italy
3 Russia
3 Prussia
3 Spain
3 Roman Empire
3 Germany
3 Australia
3 Canada
14 Greece
14 Denmark
14 Shinatty-chan
14 England's imaginary friends
14 Sweden
19 Poland
19 Holy Roman Empire
19 Germania
19 Prussia's bird
19 Finland
19 Hong Kong
19 Taiwan
19 Vietnam
19 Switzerland
19 Seychelles
19 Austria
30 Chibitalia
30 Mochimerica
32 Korea
33 Romano (S. Italy)
34 Kumajirou
35 Belarus
36 Lithuania
36 Holland
38 Jeanne D'Arc
38 Norway
38 Britannia Angel
38 Ukraine
42 Hungary
43 Liechtenstein
44 Estonia
44 France
44 Pochi-kun(Japan's dog)
47 Latvia
47 Sealand
49 Belgium
50 Hanatamago
50 Frederick II
50 Iceland
53 Napoleon
53 Cyprus
53 Cuba
53 Turkey
57 Bulgaria
57 Tony
57 Maria Theresa
60 Egypt

OMG Hetalia Quiz!

Hey Everybody, my Hetalia quiz fiiiinally got accepted!!! You can find it


alphonse13's Hetalia quiz was also accepted. You can find that one HERE

7 Deadly Sins

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets

Day One

1. My grammar
2. My hair: it's long and straight
3. My eyes: though I’m blind as a bat.
4. My ability to make this list symmetrical in shape
5. My ability to tolerate other’s crap
6. My amazing computer skills
7. My quick wit

Day Two

1. Skinny-ness
2. money
3. cool phone
4. confidence
5. decisiveness
6. maturity
7. pretty hands

Day Three

1. My stupid self
2. Condescending people
3. Rude People
4. Manipulative people
5. Gossipers
6. When my feet are wet
7. People who think that birds drop dead out of the sky because they repealed the don’t ask don’t tell act. (Ignoramuses)

Day Four

1. Stick to my diet
2. Clean my house
3. The laundry
4. Get to work on time
5. Work when I am at work
6. My comic pages (Sorry ya'll)
7. Call people back.

Day Five:

1. More money
2. Everything that comes with having more money
3. Super/ Jedi/ Magic powers
4. My number two and number one *shot*
5. Eternal beauty (to be a vampire)
6. Even more money
7. Higher intellegence, IQ etc.

Day Six:
1. Chocolate (om nom nom)
2. Any food not made by England
3. Day dreaming about madeulook!
4. Spending money I don't have
5. Wasting food/ energy/ time
6. Driving too fast
7. Talking on the phone whilst driving

Day Seven

1. See Day Five #4
2. See Day Six #3
3. I wish polygamy was leagal for women *shot*
4. I kissed a girl and I liked it
5. I sometimes enjoy stories involving yaoi and gender benders etc.
6. A foursome starts to look good after half a bottle of whiskey
7. I have a fetish, not a gross one, but still...

In my pants!

Shuffle in my pants!
Take your music playlist and shuffle it! Then add "in my pants" after the song titles. This is very fun LOL.

1. Boys don’t cry in my pants (Heck yeah, they don’t)
2. I like Chinese in my pants (OMG…so what if I do aru!)
3. Is there anybody out there in my pants (err...)
4. Breakfast in America in my pants (Everybody In!)
5. Hold my hand in my pants (Woot! haha)
6. Fruitcakes in my pants (Yeah, they’re in there)
7. Salty dog in my pants (You get outta there!)
8. Doin’ time in my pants
9. Mother in my pants (YOUR MOM)
10. When can I go home in my pants
11. Leader of the pack in my pants (vroom vroom X3)
12. I feel home in my pants
13. Who you’d be today in my pants (?)
14. Hanging by a moment in my pants
15. Honestly in my pants (No Really!)
16. Cryin’ in my pants (This actually happens a lot)
17. Glamorous in my pants (What can I say?)
18. From me to you in my pants (hehe)
19 .Alejandro in my pants (mmm I don’t know him, but…)
20. What is mine in my pants (You back off! Haha)

he he, this is great!