What's the Point??


So I was just taking a quiz, and it kinda ticked me off that I was wasting time with it….Warning, this is a rant.

When I am taking a quiz, I’d like to be somewhat surprised about the result. I mean, that’s the point of the quiz right? I can’t STAND when all the answers describe or quote specific characters! Seriously, that is not a quiz; it’s a “go ahead and pick the character you want” form. And that is boooring. We all know these anime from beginning to end. We are called Otaku for a reason. If even a non-fan can predict the result, the quiz is obviously lackluster and unimaginative.
I know I’m not perfect, and I would never tell anyone to stop trying their best. But, if you don’t have imagination enough to come up with a few REAL questions, be prepared to get a negative vote from me. I’m not trying to be mean here. I am a huge advocate for “A for effort”. Please all, try your best not to make these quizzes anymore!
