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Well, welcome to Fan Fic Hangout. Anyway, things being posted here range from any fics you wrote to any you want to share. Just PM me and I'll add you to the posting list ^^

[Fan Fic] Ever After

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Title: Ever After
Fandom: Malice Mizer
Genre: Angst, romance, and hurt/comfert
Author: http://xjustxn0thingx.livejournal.com/
Paring: Gackt and Kami
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Contains Yaoi and implications toward sex
Summary: It was all but an accident.
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/jrockyaoi/2070791.html

[Fan Fic] Trouble Lurking

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Title: Trouble Lurking

Fandom: Naruto

Genre: Angst

Author: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/985885/hyperthermophile

Paring: Tobi/Deidara

Rating: T

Warning: This had yaoi meaning boy x boy lovein'. You don't like that, turn back.

Summary: .::There is trouble lurking here::. Tobi hopes. He dreams. He gives. He never stops trying, and he never will. But in the end it's hopeless- he will never be anything more than just a cheap replacement in the artist's heart.

Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4839184/1/Trouble_Lurking

[Fan fic] Tick, Tock

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Title: Tick, Tock
Fandom: Moon Child
Genre: Angst/tragey
Author: http://madientsukimaru.livejournal.com/
Paring: Hints at Kei/Sho
Rating: T
Warning: None
Summary: And as the clock stopped, so did his heart.
Link: http://madientsukimaru.livejournal.com/6154.html#cutid1


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The rules are simple. Just fill out this form when posting a fic. Remeber, you must give a link, author, warnings and rating!! You have to do this so the author (even if the author is you) get's credit for their work and minors don't get into something they're not meant to, pulse, the warnings come in handy for those who don't like yaoi, violence, or dark fics.


This is the form. Use it any way you like but, the major things that must be filled out are once again, author, rating/warnings, fandoms, and summary.

Any fic is welcome here. I don't care if it's yaoi, slash, shouen-ai, or just heat. If it's a fic, it can go here.

So, please follow these simple rules and I hope to see some great fics up here.
