Hush, Love, Don't cry,
It'll be alright,
Hold me close,
As I administer the dose,
Listen to my lullaby of lies.

I Bagged A Noob And I Liked It...

Music: Rammstein "Du Hast"

Okay, so......I have news.........Are you ready for it..? Cause here it comes......


That's right. Finished. Completed. You can stick a fork in them, because they are DONE!!

So...Now I sit back and ask myself, "What shall I do with all of my new-found free time?" I'll tell you what I'm gonna do with all that free time:
~Complete FFVII: AC AMV to Placebo's "Protege Moi" (I'll post it on here when I finish it)
~Read Christopher Paolini's "Eldest"
~Draw new art (some of which are for challenges)
~Move into my new summer room
~Play video games
~Work on my future best-selling novel (if you want details, pm me)
~Work on new fanfiction for FFN
~Possibly make another AMV?

Yeah...Free time, folks...Free time...I went to Sonic with 3 of my friends (and fellow Maymester-mates) at 8:00 pm to get free root beer floats to celebrate. Sonic's giving them out until midnight...

So, you can all expect me to be on a little more frequently!
*announcer voice* "And there was much rejoicing..."
*is shot for "Monty Python" reference*

Um...Well, what else do I write? I dunno...But this time, I'm leaving you with more than a quote and a picture...You're getting a quote and.....


Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~All the world's a stage, but most people are horribly unrehearsed~~

Fur Elise...

Mood: tired...
Music: TaTu "Show Me Love"

So...Last night was fun...*sarcasm* I woke up around 1 am. I was shaking violently and I couldn't tell if I was hot or cold. I kind of think my skin was burning. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom and...proceeded to empty my stomach in a bit of a violent manner (to put it mildly). After I had finished, I was still shaking, and my friend Kat V. asked if I was okay. I thought I was pale, but she said I looked red. She offered me some Pepto Bismol, a bottle of water, some kind of cough drop-like thing, and some kind of pill from the nurse. I took 2 Peptos, drank some of the water, took the pill from the nurse, and drank more water. The pill knocked me out quite nicely. Celeste woke me up at 7 am for breakfast, but I simply asked for my phone, turned on the alarm for 8 am, and went back to sleep. I dunno, but I think I slept through it...I woke up at 9 am, and I had a 9:30 am class! No time for a shower. TT^TT Yeah...I ate the cough drop thing in class, and it helped. I feel much better now, but I'm still hungry...I haven't eaten a whole lot today....And the worst part is that I'm having to stay away from dairy products! I LIVE on dairy!! ._. Not very healthy...

In other news...Have you noticed the new member feature? I've PM'd 3 of the people. One replied back. It's nice. I never know who the n00bs are on here. I like welcoming them, though. Always great to meet new people. Adam's really been working hard lately to bring us new features.

Works In Progress
~Show Me Love (fanart based on TaTu's song. 50% complete. Drawn on the tablet.)

Well, stay classy, otakuites!

~~Show me love 'til I'm screaming for more~~
