
Life! episode 1: Keeping a secret

Hello, my name is Uri Motoko. I'm starting seventh grade and they're already going to have a welcoming dance so we can meet new people. But I have friends, thank you very much. My two best friends Care and Abby. They've always been my friends and it's going to stay like that.
It's been a week since 7th grade started. Some boys asked me to go with them (Although I didn't even know them), but I turned them all down. It's not because the looked like jerks or nerds, they were actually kinda cute, possibly very popular, too. I just can't go out with them for I good reason. One very secret reason: I already have someone I love. It's just to embarrasing to tell people.
I like a 5th grader. There I said it. His name is Ken. Some people say that he's a bad kid, that he skips school to go to a pool hall. Others say he yells at the teacher and hurts little kids. I don't really believe them, although I can't say since I'm not always with him. But I think, if he does act this way, It's because he lives alone. Both his parents died in a car crash a few years ago. He had only told me at first. He has always trusted me and gone to me for advise for anything.
Of coarse, I have a reason to like him. Before, when I moved here. All the kids picked on me, because I was different from the others. I would always go home with bruises and cuts. My mom always said to just let them see the true me. That's what I did. The next day, The kids just fought with me even worse than before. When I got on the bus. Ken asked me what had happened, I told him everything. He said to stand up for myself next time. We baceme pretty good friends after that. One day I was playing in the sand with Ken. The kids came back and kicked my sand castle. I started to protest, but then they started kicking and hitting me. Ken yelled at them, and told them to stop.
He said "Stop. You may not know her that well, and the things you do know about her are all cool."
Then one kid said, "Don't you mean stupid? All she does is himiliate us. So why can't we fight back?"
Than Ken said,"You only say it's stupid, because you're jeleous of her! Face it! You only beat her up, because she's better than you! So I suggest you stop."
"Fine, you're right. We only do what we do, because were jelous. You win." And the kids ran off.

And I do remember, when It was almost the end of the year for 6th grade. Ken Told me that he loved me. I always liked him, but I absolutely wouldn't say it out loud! During the summer, I found out I do love him, but I had no way to tell him. My other friends who knew him were going to a different school. And I didn't have a way to contact anyone. It's been a year since then. If only I could go to the past somehow and tell him I love him to. But that is just a wish.
