Welcome to The Everything Guru!! This is Greedsdoll tellin' you hello! The current theme right now is Fullmetal Alchemist, a theme I haven't done in a VERY long time.
~2 Rules Only, which are both easy to follow, so please do~
1. Please don't post depressing content (unless someone died) because it makes everyone else sad. I try not to myself, but it sometimes attempts go down the drain. ^-^' So please try to refrain from that.

2. Have plenty of F-U-N! (That spells 'FUN' for anyone who doesn't know... which, I hope you all do...)


*yawns* Hmmm, what a week. I thought it would never be over, but hopefully, after this week, everything will slow down at school.
Let's see... what to start with...

Well, first off, Monday signaled the beginning of 'Greenhand Week'. For any of you in FFA, then you know what I'm talking about. FFA is 'Future Farmers of America' and Greenhand is the first degree.
Anyways, the officers got to tell us what to do. We have to earn 8 stickers by Tuesday or we have to do something really embarrassing in front of everyone at the banquet. I had to propose to a teacher, do the chicken dance in front of everyone at lunch, and sing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in the middle of the hallway. On the brightside though, I already have 5 stickers, and will have all 8 as soon as Monday comes around. Lol.

Last Saturday we had All Confrence Choir, that was a lot of fun. My bf went, but I think he only went 'cause I did...

This weekend I had to rent Halo 3 because there's going to be a Halo 3 tournament at school to help raise money. I'm going to do that with Brandon and 2 other people. Hopefully the other two are as good at video games as Brandon and me are. Lol... I kind of hope my bf doesn't enter cause I know he sucks at video games. He would be embarrassed.

I had to make brownies for my last 3 stickers, I had to go to Coop's football game/tailgate party, Purple Rose spent the night, I had to earn money... I'm really busy... Tonight, I'm taking a break. I'm spending the night at my sister's house and playing video games. Lol. I was supposed to call my bf this weekend, but I'm just too busy. He'll have to get over it. Lol

Right, well, I'm gonna go. I'm tired, and I have a video game waiting for me. If I can, I'll try to get on theO at school, but if the teacher's catch me, I'll lose my computer privliges(sp?). Lol...

TTUGuys later!!
Love ya lots!

Stephi. B.

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