Coming soon to a monitor screen near you!

Ok, so there is the unfortunate problem of the 'only one submission per 24 hours' rule. Since this has happened upon me and my unsuspecting doodle collection, you'll all have to wait anxiously as I try to get the drawings up.

There are about 8 or more coming your way, though I do have one up now. So only 7 or more! Really sets you guys up for a lesson in patience, huh? Anyway, they are all on my computer at least, minus any that I get done in the mean time. (which I am planning on doing!) Here's a list so far:

6+ -->Empty Sound
1+ -->Blade
1 -->Random

Also I'm still going to try and have that doodle collage done this summer. I have a lot to sift through, let alone set up, so it may be a while before I actually get around to getting it ready and up for you curious little goobers^-^

You know, I've just been posting left and right this week. That's very bizarre. Gone for 2 months then on AND posting everyday she's back. I never even did that when I was here often. *sigh* something is really wrong with me...other than the usual, of course^^

Soooooo, I have one new drawing up and ready for disapproving eyes and more on the way! Every 24 freaking hours. I'm not annoyed obviously, because you could tell if I was annoyed. I'm not. Really.

...0_o bye now!
