Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

SOPA and blackout day

So apparently tomorrow is what is being called a "blackout" day, where all the websites opposed to the dreaded SOPA are going to go offline.

While this may be frustrating to some, i am very pleased about this, i just wish there were more on the list i saw! I do believe there are several not yet official and so weren't added but i hope those do stand up!

With that in mind, i was wondering to myself, is theotaku going to join in??? I would think any art site online would oppose this act going into effect! I can't say i know and if there is somewhere here that they mention it (i would think it would have been made public notice immediately available to view everywhere you go, like a side bar topic or header on your backroom page). I know deviantART is very likely to though they weren't on the list i saw i have heard they are indeed going to participate... but uncertainty of course.

I know, like many people, i have strong opinions about this act and i may have mentioned them before, i can't fully recall. But i won't bore you with my severe irritants toward it. ....i just....UGHS this is a travesty to the rights of this country! It's like were are in this greasy stepping stones toward North Korea or China or Soviet Russia! Just biding our time before were are deamed unfit for their ways and buried under the wall to be crushed and die pitifully at the loss of our freedoms!

I hope, despite the corruptions that always linger in politics, that the obvious violations of freedom this is posing shall not go unheard and they will deny it! DENY, VETO, HAVE MYSTERIOUSLY RUN OVER IN THE MIDDLE OF A WINTER SLEET STORM AND THEN SHREDDED AND EATEN BY AN ELEPHANT......or something perhaps less crazy but equally beneficial. Although it's just paper...but paper work can take a long time to get through..so...i don't know..rambling of irritation T 3T

Gonna go eat my crackers and cheese with bubbling frustrations now. Gosh today i see my therapist...she is going to end up with an ear full i bet o-o *cough*
