Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

IT...IS...ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ohp, no it's not.


walls cave in, cieling buckles and falls as well, goats run through the debris, a less than fully dressed hobo wanders in the background, i step into view from the clouds of plaster dust and asbestos, animals and man continue in background with the occasional clump of building i seem to have for some reason appeared in*

GREETINGS all my zombie minions or whatever the hell you weirdos are...it is i, you master, coming to say that i still be alive! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:D

*ahemhmm* along with my post here, i am to say that i went ahead decided to put up a dump of a few muro things i did for some gaians on gaia online and two are of my own avies, yesyes *nods, strokes mustache*

it is all pure crap, BUT it is something to say i am here even if i haven't gotten up cause scanner not plugged in and stuff...yeahs T 3T

WELL, go on, check it out and express your no doubt to be extatic awe, or of course the mentioned rock throwing, as is said in the submission description.

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i am going to frollic away now...wants to do some doodling whilst watching movies i haven't seen in AGES and a few ones i have never seen..cause it is things to do, and i don't have time to hunt hulu right now *whips some brain goo from ears* o 3o

toodles my lovelies! *skips, falls down a really evident hole i apparently didn't notice at all, hobo comes into view, vacant look on his face then starts picking his nose*

EDIT!! where i have been and will be...

i have actually not been able to do much of anything on the internet or my laptop for several weeks now, and with these issues i had always believed i couldn't post here--pretty much anywhere else really T 3T--because of the wayward nature of links and what will or won't load, etc...some things work other don't..it's a mess of ire inducing uncertainties and i wish i knew why the hell it was happening...but it looks like tomorrow i will be finally taking it in! :D
EDIT: Well, i took it in to the geek squad, he looked through things, changed one thing or two and put on something meant to help analyze my computer content, not the hardware, to be clear. Aaaaaaaand after doing that and deleting a few unnecessary and possibly hindering things, then running the analyzer and it found nothing. Not a freakin, damn thing. There is one item i have not been able to delete and i think may be causing at least some of the issues and that is McAfee. I don't know if it is corrupted or the actual macfee site or whatever is screwed up or what, but it won't load or uninstall because it freezes the program. Just another stupid problem that has come to join the haunting of the technological existence of me. Sigh..sigh. I personally still maintain the theory that my harddrive is the issue, somehow, someway..yes. It needs to be taken in again where perhaps they can remove the unresponsive McAfee, see if that does ANYTHING to assist, and if not i want them to check out the hardware...cause this is pissing me off more. I already missed the jack hunting zOMG event on gaia and it looks like i will miss the opening of the new area, DMS, also in zOMG, plus i have missed SO MANY DAYS of gold earning possibilities!!! I NEED TO REGAIN GOLD FROM PURCHASED CURRENT DREAM AVIE ITEMS D:< Yes, i enjoy this virtual world. If you have a life then go be apart of it, cause i don't and this is what sustains my restless pointlessness of not having one. Yeah, i don't have a life and never have. Really makes the reason i get the amount of view i do here seem rather strange. All i do is ramble about crap, and if not that then it is general updates of things i finally get around to posting here. ...i am going to shut up now, just wanted to update, you people weird enough to come here. Probably only lost souls catching a tag thinking it will lead to something of meaning when in fact it is asinine babble. *pop* ..yup.

Living without internet or my computer abilities at all(since i backed up my things, i couldn't go saving or starting new documents to in my folders) sooo..quite sadness indeed. i have been necessarily forced into get my large reading pile out of the way, though. Not that i dislike reading--i quite enjoy it--, i just take forever to around to it--or anything--, but when i do i get through things fast. Two books complete, some writing, and some art...knocking down a few of those pillars which needed and still need to be brutally attacked. However i must say going back to long hand writing, for extended periods of time, is painful XP it has been close to three years since i have done such...i am a bit better now but still *cracks wrists and fingers*

i really don't think this going is to go through, but if it does, then this all is why i haven't been posting or faving or thumbs uping, though i have been able to view things, so points still to people there *nod* and you had best enjoy those points people....you.had.best. T 3T

i wrote a much longer and more explanitory post on this for my deviantART, which then, of course, didn't go through. But i had spent so much time on it that i did the annoying process of transfering it a word doc, saving it, moving it to a flashdrive, going to the desktop downstairs, logging in there, and getting it all set and posting through that. ...as you may have noticed, using the desktop i prefer not--if you haven't, then watch this mysterious red light that is moving swiftly on the wall *moves around laser pointer*--. It is rather dark in that room due burnt out bulbs--forever out it seems-- and while i like darkness, it isn't good for the eyes. Especially since our desktop is a fairly big screen, as it is a media type computer...so bright, large screen you sit close to in a relatively darkened room for hours on end...yeah... Though due to all this laptop chaos, i do occasionally pop on there to check certain things on certain sites, but only briefly.

soooooooooooo, if this doesn't go through, then....you'll all live. probably.

EDIT:hey! it actually went through...who would have thought..sigh...the strangeness of this issue is frustrating indeed. >:/

WHYYOUNO...!? //:::EDIT::://

WHY YOU PEOPLE NO CARE ABOUT MY GAIA ARTS!? D:< I am pretty happy with some of these and they are updated style and everything!! Not only are these more updated styles but they also have partial color, which took me forever since i used the tract pad, my finger, and paint.net...ADORE, AND HEART THEM! >:U

Seee the thumbnail and GO VIEW! Yeah i am self advertising, not like me but who cares! They deserve more love! D:<

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So yeah and stuff and things...i am hungry. That is all.

goobers, naners, and peas, OH MY!

no, no this post has nothing to do with goobers, naners, peas or the wizard of oz...i actually don't like all of those things, with the exception of bananas, which are awesome for both consumption and humor :D

no, i am just here to say i am putting up art very slowly but surely...right now i have some gaia avie arts i have been doing for friends on gaia, a lot because one day i hope to open an art shop there and i need samples *nod* but also because i like giving things to friends ^ 3^ i'm just so wondrous that way XP

i'm sure you have all been missing me terribly...it's alright you few, i am breathing.

this is completely random, but anyone watch that show Hoarders: Buried Alive on TLC? i find that very intriguing...i enjoy it. partially form the psychological standpoint but it's also cool to see the before and later on images, of how people progress in their cleaning and who is still not fully accepting of their issues. *nodnod* i doth like. OH and those ones they also have, the collection obsession and the freaky addictions...more psychological related shows but very fasinating to see the things people collect, in an almost hoarding fashion as well as the things people become addicted to doing or eating or having with them, etc. then on a completely different scale yet same channel is the wedding shows, like Say Yes to the Dress, both normal and atlanta, the four weddings is okay, oh bridezillas--different network but same category--. Those are fun, mostly i like the Say Yes, because i enjoy seeing all the wedding dresses ^-^ i like wedding dresses, i hve always liked dresses like that i just don't wear them because i don't have the body i want nor the money or reason to have something like that. so it's fun to see all the different types, plus then the people can be interesting too...some weirdos and annoying ones always poke their heads into things.

a pointless mention i feel need to shout after this, any show in any way related to new jersey is a bunch of mindless, spoiled, garish crap that should not exist. these people do not deserve this recognition for being ignorant, cheap, sluts. the things people are doing lately with television is sad. and movies are just constantly being redone versions of ones already made and anything original seems to be bashed. i feel like the worlds intelligence is slipping T 3T *shakeshead*

well...that is my daily contribution to tangent ranting on the interwebs...i'm sure the populace of earth is better for it - 3- yes yes indeed.

look at me, shameless advertising..

now...i want ice cream. why can't it be a growing substance? just go out and snap off a carton of ice cream from your garden? tsktsk nature and your short comings! *shakesfist at sky*

yeah. *pops*
