Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

stuff and things and old :/

Been slowly but surely getting things i had already scanned put up here, give them some love...

then i have been finishing up several in my sketchbook, some to continue and complete and have some i need to fix...

at least my style is more updated now to you all with the last few i have put up, though i will admit, and i found this humorous, i have a strangely large amount of drawings with on hand up and one down in some way in each drawing o-o AHAHA, it's so silly that i have fallen back into that...it was something i did a lot a while ago...i just can't leave both arms down as the makes the image look too stiff...wanna give some dynamic to the character...oh silly me...i need to try out some poses again XD although i still have yet to put in all my favorites from my old laptop into this one....they are on a word file right now...should sift through that or something. *strokes sagely beard*

gotta complete things in there as my poor sketchbook is now out of pages DX i need to get some more, stock up T 3T so i can be as naughty as i want and start numerous things while still having many to finish

OH yeah, so my birthday happened since my last post. Two decades wrought into my bones. yups. just makes me feel more pressured about all the stuff i have to get done in such a short amount of time *doomed* -___-

got new bedding from both my parents for both my rooms, one of my mom's from my moomoo and one at my dad's from my daddy. I really wanted new for both, but it is also true the one's at my mom's were just very well used and dingy and needed to die. Then at my dad's, i have had the same bedding since my dad bought the house and my grandma repainted the room the same color it was only a tiny bit darker and brought/bought whatever the bedding for it. The room is a light sea foam green and the bedding was the same color kind of, with a grainy black over it and then it had sea shells on it...that is just...not me. While i can't really do anything about the walls, i could change the bedding, i would have prefered some red but you just can't do red in a sea foam green room T_T so i got black ones, pretty nice too, that i actually liked after a forever search..and we got a great deal on them too. then i got some dvd's, khols gift cards, and money. some crap too from my grandma that i put in the crap from grandma box in my closet at my dad's where it sits and dies.
OHMYGOSH and this woman seriously bought me an oil painting of a cow grazing in a field. and it's not even the actual painting...it's like a print of a painting. i mean, yes, i considered cows my favorite animal, plushies are adorable, but not everything cow do i want to own. and expecially, i do not and have never wanted an oil painting of a cow grazing in a field. and my dad put it up on my wall...right above my nightstand. i was just going to put it in the closet and pretend it never existed. *shakeshead* she is better than she used to be at buying gifts...yes, she was much worse than that.

ANYWAYS...i'm old, i'm behind in existence and stuck in a rut, and i am overweight. Old, fat, no life. T 3T you have no idea how incredibly awesome i feel right now.

...my life is just raping holes with me...-___-

i knew it.

i knew this was going to happen.

i finally get around to doing what i need to and i get rammed in the face with a brick wall of more problems.

a freakin, thick wall of stone crushing my skull...it's like...you finally make it across one road of a highway only to get hit by a speeding truck at the threshhold of the next T_T

i have always known life likes to screw me over as a hobby, but it's horribly upsetting to a messed up person such as myself to make progress at being better, or trying to be better really--which is very difficult for me, you have no idea--, and not only not get any results above baseline--which would have been fantastic-- but to have them tank into the vacuum currently making it's job to suck up everything i am working towards...


i know it's not a huge deal really.....and i won't and don't honestly take it as such...i'm mostly just ranting in frustration of the moment...


and the worst part of all............................................THEREISNOFOODINTHISHOUSE...IAMSOHUNGRYRIGHTNOW DX

like that kind of hungry were your stomach hurts and you can feel it up in your throat, begging for sustinence.....

i will be forced to resort to cannibalism soon it seems..and in that case i must then part take of my sibling, for i'm sure she is very nutritious...

life...you may have cut off my limbs but i shall come back...and bite your damn legs off...cause that's how we black knights roll T 3T

goobers, naners, and peas, OH MY!

no, no this post has nothing to do with goobers, naners, peas or the wizard of oz...i actually don't like all of those things, with the exception of bananas, which are awesome for both consumption and humor :D

no, i am just here to say i am putting up art very slowly but surely...right now i have some gaia avie arts i have been doing for friends on gaia, a lot because one day i hope to open an art shop there and i need samples *nod* but also because i like giving things to friends ^ 3^ i'm just so wondrous that way XP

i'm sure you have all been missing me terribly...it's alright you few, i am breathing.

this is completely random, but anyone watch that show Hoarders: Buried Alive on TLC? i find that very intriguing...i enjoy it. partially form the psychological standpoint but it's also cool to see the before and later on images, of how people progress in their cleaning and who is still not fully accepting of their issues. *nodnod* i doth like. OH and those ones they also have, the collection obsession and the freaky addictions...more psychological related shows but very fasinating to see the things people collect, in an almost hoarding fashion as well as the things people become addicted to doing or eating or having with them, etc. then on a completely different scale yet same channel is the wedding shows, like Say Yes to the Dress, both normal and atlanta, the four weddings is okay, oh bridezillas--different network but same category--. Those are fun, mostly i like the Say Yes, because i enjoy seeing all the wedding dresses ^-^ i like wedding dresses, i hve always liked dresses like that i just don't wear them because i don't have the body i want nor the money or reason to have something like that. so it's fun to see all the different types, plus then the people can be interesting too...some weirdos and annoying ones always poke their heads into things.

a pointless mention i feel need to shout after this, any show in any way related to new jersey is a bunch of mindless, spoiled, garish crap that should not exist. these people do not deserve this recognition for being ignorant, cheap, sluts. the things people are doing lately with television is sad. and movies are just constantly being redone versions of ones already made and anything original seems to be bashed. i feel like the worlds intelligence is slipping T 3T *shakeshead*

well...that is my daily contribution to tangent ranting on the interwebs...i'm sure the populace of earth is better for it - 3- yes yes indeed.

look at me, shameless advertising..

now...i want ice cream. why can't it be a growing substance? just go out and snap off a carton of ice cream from your garden? tsktsk nature and your short comings! *shakesfist at sky*

yeah. *pops*


External Image

i finally completed my sister's birthday gift the other day :D

it is a mini Inu...the pattern is my own--though nothing special--and his hair took FOREVER *faint*

Inu as in InuYasha from the anime/manga, InuYasha (obviously)

he turned out awesome :3

updates of me and the future! (cause i am there also T 3T)

Something for your eye gouging pleasure...a long and annoying update on my life and what is going to happen in the near and distant future *nod*

SIGH, well took me a while to get around to writing this(and then to get it up here XP)…been very busy, or at least for me it is…I mean I have moved more than I would in two months in the last three weeks! It’s been very hard on me I think T –T i mean yesterday i slept through the entire day from 4 am to 5 am the next day! i slept through two very annoying alarms! it was my body taking matters into it's own hands i think T 3T sometimes it does that...my body and mind are definately two entities...

Anyways, the simple of it is, I have been trying to come back to life lately. I sort of imagine myself as having been dead my entire life and now I have started digging my way to the surface, to live among the humans, masquerading as one in order to have a “normal” existence.
I really took my dog’s death as a (I apologize how cliché this may sound to some people) sign from God. It was something I always knew would happen and anticipated in the last few weeks of her life, but I suppose the suddenness of it all and then learning it was the same cancer that had taken my grandma when she was still so young (only just turned 69!)…it was a wake-up call that I knew I needed but had never truly felt. That life is unexpected, no matter how fully I live by ‘expect the unexpected’, I can’t avoid that things happen whether you want them or not, and even if you were knowing that it was on its way the full force of it knocks some of your brain loose again. I loved my dog greatly, and I adored my grandmother. Even though I have always had problems, and I know I always will, and while I can empathize with wished to simply end it all, there is this small biting fire inside me that wants to live. I want to go to college, I want to find something I love to do, I want to find my someone, I want to have children and make my parents grandparents—they would be great ones too!—, I want pets of my own, a home of my own, I want to grow old hand in hand with my love, and I want to live a long life with purpose, then slip soundly into heaven, and meet everyone I loved and lost and the reason for my being ‘face’ to ‘face’. I have hopes in life, and I never once believed I couldn’t one day have those. Having this loss really reminded me, as much as I can take my time to be ready, I also need to keep myself moving, or else all these experiences will fall into the abyss I can’t seem to climb out of.

All this kicking got me to know I need to be thinking about college, sure it won’t be where I’m going tomorrow or this school year but it should be soon and I am going to need to work hard to be ready. I have things I need to accomplish before I can do that, and I want to be able to get to that first day…with a dorm and strange roommate and everything—eventhough I’m sure I won’t be too fond of having a roommate -___- —and know that I made it and be proud of myself for once. With this going on now, I don’t know how much I will be able to be around…and it truly saddens me, but until I can find my footing in this new life of mine, I just can’t be wasting and procrastinating (as I am quite skilled in). I will always try to make time for my friends and I will always be lurking every now and then even if I don’t make myself present :’)

Onto some fun stuff! I think I finally tacked down a major after all the depressing uncertainty I had when wishing for a career in Vet Tech areas, I will still try and study some Pre-Vet though even if I don’t major because I love it still and who knows what will come along in life ^_^ I have chosen something I always knew I liked and thought about but simply wasn’t sure of, and that is Majoring in Psychology. Seems appropriate, right? It’s kind of been my whole life really XP Then I would like to Minor in Writing. Not because I intend to have a writing career but I would love to one day publish some of my original fiction ideas and stories. It’s all writer’s dreams to have their own work in a nice, brand new book smelling, hard back novel. To do this, I need to know the ACTUAL rules of writing which I now do not really abide by so learning would be a great help regardless! As I said I will surely try and look into some pre-vet education but I won’t do anything career wise with it

I already have a college picked out too! One I loved from the first time I toured, and the other day I got back from an overnight tour thing which only made me seal the deal permanently! Especially my talk with a very kind and understand admissions counselor who helped me figure out what to do in order to be ready to apply ^-^ it’s wonderful to have a plan now and a real goal to be heading for *nodnod*

So hopefully, I will be a student of the class year 2013 along with my sister and second best friend! Sure, it will be the year that my graduating class will be starting their junior years but I wasn’t ready then plus it’s not like I’m advancing with them all and staying behind...it will be a new world full of new people and I will have my sibling and friend there with me too :3 so I’m not worried, I’m hopeful.

My life checklist currently:
-Finally get my 2nd semester of geometry finished
-Subsequently, getting my high school diploma (yes, I did graduate but I have this one semester I failed and while I can just not do it and get my GED, I am not letting a little bit of math keep me from a college prep diploma when I had more credits than necessary for the honors…I will not. T 3T)
-Get my driver’s ed. Permit
-Get my license
-Get a job(maaaaaaaaybe)
-Study and prepare for the SAT/ACT
-Take and kick the butts of SAT/ACT
-(if SAT/ACT required then will do after if not then during) take around 24 hours of community college to get a new GPA to rule out my horrid high school one and show the college I CAN work despite my issues before weighing me down
-Apply to college!
-GET IN! (would be AWESOME bonus to be eligible for an academic scholarship!..but that is unlikely T-T)
-Start my 6 year work towards my future!

So that is going to be my life until that school year of 2013! Pray for me those that pray and wish well those that don’t…it’s going to be a long road and I’m still just starting

All that aside, I have a few drawings that I scanned in a couple days ago that I shall start slipping in! none of it is anything big, all sketchy, and then gaia avie art for people..on gaia, obviously