Welcome to the Eternal Rain universe! Look here for updates about projects in the works and previews to Eternal Rain, Eternal Storm, and their prequels, sequels and spin-offs. There will also be bonuses like profiles and memes.

Story genres: Action, adventure, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, shonen
Rating: PG/Teen (13+) for sci-fi/fantasy violence

Story, characters, logos (c)KG Comics/Kita Mikichi


Character Index:

Eternal Rain
Toki | Kita | Reka | Takeshi | Sharon | Mara | Kiara | Jun-ai | Shaoqiang |
Yuki | Mizuki | Hisao | Shuuichi | Katsushiro | Daisuke | Rain & Storm antagonists

Eternal Storm
Shiori | Atsuko | Sora | Toshirou | Nasim | Yousef | Taki | Takumi | Hoshi

Keyholders' Legacy
Kaori | Nikkou | Hideo | Enes

Branch Index:

Eternal Rain
Prequels: Prologue | Flashbacks | Trigger | Takeover | Pressured | Rebellion
Sequels: Unbound | Revisited | Alliance

Eternal Storm

Keyholder Chronicles

Keyholders' Legacy

Preview Index:

Eternal Rain
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Eternal Storm
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Keyholders' Legacy
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Side Notes:
Quick Reference | Who's Who? | Character Progression


The original series is getting an overhaul, guys! Yes, my current project is to revamp the main series as a novel. Preview clips may be coming your way soon!

A Long Run

It is 2013. The saga that started with "Eternal Rain" is almost eight years old as of this year. WOW.

Eternal Rain (with prequels and sequels)
External Image

Eternal Storm
External Image

Keyholder Chronicles
External Image

Keyholders' Legacy
External Image

Eternal Snow

Yes. My newest additions to the saga are more than a year old now. How time flies! With close to ten years writing this universe, these characters have become a part of me, and I hope you've enjoyed seeing them grow.

Second Generation

Well, I've done it. I've started yet ANOTHER branch of the Eternal Rain universe. For those of you who have seen the "Second Generation?" fanart, the novel, which I am now calling "Keyholders' Legacy," will star the children of three married Keyholder couples.

(In order of appearance)

Kaori Norikawa
Parents: Toki + Reka

Nikkou (Shieko-kalu de Uakashie)
Parents: Shiori + Sora

Hideo Okino
Parents: Atsuko + Toshiro

I'll have full profiles for each of these guys later, as well as more details about the story, which is currently in progress.