Happy January!

Happy year of 2013 everyone!! I hope y'all had fun last night with fireworks and good food! Oh, and also family. Xp

I had a lot of fun last night too!! I was invited to Michael's family's new years party out in Prairieville, that's kinda like the outskirts of Baton Rouge where everyone who lives there is rich and has a lot of land around their houses XD We had a barbecued pig, barbecued chicken, pineapple upside down cake, sausage, HUNDREDS of dollars in huge fireworks, and a 20 foot bonfire!!!

One time, one of the boxed firework sets fell over from the first explosion, and started shooting out fireworks at all of us seated around the fire, and two explosions went over the truck that held the rest of the fireworks!!! Thankfully nobody was hurt. It was exciting though. XD

Two of my friends are giving up smoking for their new years' resolutions, and I'm so proud of them!! It's a terrible habit and I hope they do well in sticking to it :3

Eneko out!
