In the Beginning...

Alright, here is the dealio. I used to like anime back in early middle school because my best friend was obsessed. Then, unfortunately, we had a huge fight and I hated her stinking guts. After many years and a lot of growing up we are now good friends again. I thought I should give anime another chance. Plus I had a lot of time on my hands. I was taking a year off after high school to go on a two month mission trip. But that wasn't until January and until then I was just working and watching a lot of tv. I asked my brother what show I should start with and he suggested FullMetal Alchemist, a decision he would later regret because I didn't just like the show...I FREAKING LOVED IT. Like many I fell in love with the story of two amazing brothers and the trials they have been through.

I decided that I needed a place to express my love for all that is FMA. So, this is what I am going to try and do. I am going to watch the series through once again. Then, after every episode I am going to write a little about. Like my feelings after watching it, my favorite part, etc. I will also be throwing up some fan art, amvs, letters, etc. I look forward to endless hours of ranting and blabbing about Mr. Elric. -Jlee
