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Please read the game instructions before starting your adventure:





Please take the time to design an Original Character that suits your needs to better enjoy this game. There are a wide variety of classes to choose from in Eden. Each with their own skill set and special abilities.



All players in Eden have a rank that is viewable by other players when accessing your profile.



Each level of Eden is full of complex maps beautiful visuals and vicious monsters, all for your amusement!


System playback features to help lost players.



The Mountain

~Yuki~ "Do you think it was wise to leave Ivan and Adam alone Yuki-San?" The snow was gently falling now. It will be worse the higher up we go. "Hmmm...I guess. Honestly I like Ivan. I just wanted to be with someone I...

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Resupply before 3

► Sig ◄ "We'll meet at the edge of town in two hours. Does that give everyone enough time?" I offered as we entered into the first small town of Area 3. “I’m good with that. I can get a lot done in two hours.” Z...

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To the Berries

Kust writting for Adam and Ivan Adam- I watched as Pais and Yuki walked off in the way of the mountains. I sighed and looked over at Ivan. This guy wasn't any threat to me but he was determined to prove himself. Even with that deter...

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~Yuki~ So now we had another addition to our little group. Ivan may not look like much, but I saw something in his eyes. He has that cold look that says he has nothing to lose and he is willing to risk it all. In fact I thin...

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AFO's Goodbye

It is with great regret that I must leave theotaku for a long time,the reason being the situation in my country worsens,and I lack the device or connection to stay active on EDEN or on the internet in general. I hope you will finish this R...

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