time has come

time has come it is time has come for all to end. my life my career time for it all to end. the time has come for darkness to take over the madness and the rage to be carried over and to the beyond the time has come. the time has come for the world to end the time has come for me to end.


hey been a long time since my last post so i thought now that i got the time id post real quick so how is every one me im fine wishing i was in texas with my girl but im not im employed by the military and currently lookin fer a job tryin to find a desent car and insurance while i get ready for basic i hope i get to go well i gotta get ill try to post later bye guys and stay cool..

tears i cry

Tears inside

These are the tears I cry the tears I feel inside I can't make them come out no matter how hard I try my pride wont let me it has trapped me inside with the tears I cry why is it that im trapped inside why is it when I try to escape I always fail my attempts never succeed so why do I try why don’t I just give up and remain trapped with the tears I cry when everyone sees me they think im happy when in all actuality im crying deep down inside trapped with the tears I cry it seems im drowning at times and others im just alone and sad trapped alone in the darkness with the tears I cry then I wonder why is that I cry inside why don’t I cry on the outside then I remember its because of my pride I want everyone to think im strong when im actually weak so I just decide to remain alone and trapped inside with the tears I cry.

the video i made and posted on you tube

two lovers

broken hearted and shattered im just going to say goodbye to her and love. for love is a putried thing i want nothing to do with it any more im realy depressed i thinking bout ending it all why caint they just leave me alone in the halls? the mess...

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to all whom remeber me i am fine but i still hate life
