Welcome to Dead Frontier World, here you can find information about Dead frontier 3D. Dead Frontier is a MMORPG game and also a survival game. In dead frontier you can do missions, make friends, team up against zombies, buy cool weapons and travel further into the city.
The game website is www.deadfrontier.com if your interested in shooting zombies and survival.
Need more information go:

Please PM me if you need any help, I'll try my best. My IGN is haoliu
Also, PLEASE NO BEGGING in any PMs :)

Watch Dead Frontier 3D Trailer

My DF Profiler:

DF Development Blog:

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Update: I am going to be posting less Epic and Legendary loots screenshot to reduce the amount of post in my DF World, it's starting to get pretty messy. I will post Epic and Legendary gears that I haven't looted yet.

Barricading are now availble for Gold Members

Watch this video of barricading. Notice: Only Gold Members are able to barricade for now. Non-GM maybe will be availble in the future.

-Credit goes to the owner of this vid

More interior videos

-Credits to owner of this vid


Interiors had been released in DF. NOTICE: Interiors are for Gold Menmbers ONLY!!!!
Interiors in DF can help you access into buildings for looting. It's just been released in April 23 2012.Here is a youtube video for you to watch:

-Credits to the owner of this vid

Outpost Attacks

Outpost Attacks(OA) occur about once everyday outside the base (or outpost) you are in. Whenever it says OUTPOST IS UNDER ATTACK it's a best idea to participate and fight the zombies around your base. The main reason why OA exist is to give you exp to level up quicker.
Once the OA is over you'll get EXP REWARD. It depends on how active you were and how many zombies you killed during the OA.

If you fight with other people or the guides, police officers or soldiers, you won't gain alot of EXP(maybe 50% EXP of the zombie if shot by other survivors). It's best to fight at the corner of the area which can avoid other people.
NOTICE: Never ever go to other areas during OA, because the exp you gain in the other area won't count into the EXP REWARD.

End Zone

There are two end zones in Dead Frontier. One on the top far right and the other at the bottom far right. They are located at the edge of Fairview City to the right. Make sure you are at least lv30 to start looting at the end zone. If you want to find where end zone is just go to google image and search up Dead Frontier City map 3D version. The colour should be black on the map.

There are very good loots in the end zone like rare armors, Ammunition and weapons. When you loot there its best to go to Fort Pastor so that it's closer to End Zone. Or you can go to Precinct 13 but it's going to be a long walk to the right.

BE EXTRA CAREFUL because there will be bosses around the end zone. If you notice there is high aggro you should run for your life, or you might end up facing a boss. The bosses most common in end zone are Wraith and Giant Spider. There could be other bosses but those are the common bosses in the end zone.

Here is a picture of a burning Wraith in the End Zone