Hey everyone. Thanks for coming to my world. My name is Connor and I'm 15 years old. I spend most of my time playing games or chatting with my friends (I'm a bit of a geek, lol) Anyways, my favorite games include Phoenix Wright, Pokemon, Okami
Team Fortress 2, and some other games, but they're just on the side. I'm a competitive battler on pokemon (meaning I battle people over wifi) so here are a few of my victories (and failures!)
Battle Vs. Wilechase (WARING: the narration in this battle has some rude words, and the intro may cause seizures, so skip to 0:25 to avoid that)
Battle Vs. Bregsendia (I'm known as Lunareclipse135 and darkumbreon135 now)
Battle Vs. Mikeyfalcon1 (Coming soon)
Battle Vs. Darklatias1
Battle Vs Redlatios07 (May be coming soon, depending on if he accepts my challenge or not)
Here's some of the music I like.
Pokemon: Dialga's Fight To The Finish
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Cornered Theme
Okami: Battle Of Orochi II
Phoenix Wright: K/F Thief Of Truth

Yeah, mostly game music, but I'm gaming mad, so meh.

Some random info:
Name: Connor
Nickname: Ryu
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/LunarEclipse135 (subs are greatly appreciated, I'll get vids up as soon as I get a decent camera)
Favoite Animal: European Red Fox (I'm obsessive over them. Yeah.)

So yeah, I'll be updating some stuff below sometimes, so be sure to check back for more new wifi battles and stuff. :)

Here's a fun challenge fo you guys. This is the alert board from Team Fortress 2. See how many different combinations you can make with the alerts! :)

Cheating is EVIL 2

Phew... I managed it! I didn't bother raising my legendaries, because I can still usen them on my DS, just not on my wii. The special training I used on my new team worked out great, so now I'm raising a whole new team of eeveelutions the same way! :D
I supose some good comes of everything.
