Hi everyone,
The Dark Realm is basically a realm of dark desires and dark...things. I really can't say much about the dark realm. I can only hope that it will be visited often by other members.
I created the dark realm because I like being alone and I like to sit by myself in the dark hours of the night.Hey, we can't all be perfect right?Any way the dark realm was made because of how I was feeling and how miserable I was becoming. I hope you enjoy your visit to the dark realm.

Do you...?

Do you think your perfect?
Do you think your better than everybody else?
Do you act like your all high and mighty?
Do you think about how you treat people?
Do you ever think about something before you act?
Do you ever care about anyone other than yourself?
Do even dare to think about other peoples' feelings?
Do you even CARE?
If you don't then you should think about this
Every time you say something to someone
They take it a little more seriously than you think
It doesn't matter if you were joking
It doesn't matter if you never even meant for it seem like a compliment
Those things you said to those people
Made them think that they were nothing in everybody esle's eyes
You never even thought that did you?
You only thought to look cool to your friends
You only thought to make yourself look better than those people you made fun of
Too bad
Because you can never take those words back
No matter what you tried to do
How pathetic
You thought you were better than them
But you got it all wrong
Because it seems that they were better than you
Yeah they took your insults
But that doesn't mean they didn't take it seriously
So the next time you want to make fun of every body else around you
It's best that you think before you act or say anything
