it continues!

Chapter 9
Big Risk
Jenni left the room and John looked at Kara, “When Scott goes to sleep I’ll sneak out and grab the gear and meet you here” John whispered to Kara, “okay” she whispered back. After an hour John snuck out and went to his equipment locker and put on his tactical vest, grabbed his combat knife and grabbed his pistol, John walked over to Kara’s locker and grabbed her vest, a pistol, and a sub-machine gun. John put on his equipment and quietly walked to Lily’s room with Kara’s equipment, Kara was sitting by Lily when John entered the room. While Kara was putting on her gear, John picked up Lily and positioned her into a piggy back. “You ready?” Kara asked, “yeah I’m ready” John replied. John and Kara started to sneak past all the bedrooms and got to the door, they had to open it quietly otherwise it would creak, After getting outside Kara closed the door quietly. “what do you think you guys are doing” a voice said behind them, John and Kara turned around to see Jenni standing in front of them. “Ah crap” John muttered, “what do you think your doing?” Jenni asked, “We were just going for a walk” Kara said. “one hell of a walk, you got a half dead girl with you and you look like your going to a war” Jenni said. “Look we’re taking Lily to the hospital no matter what, so wake up everyone up we’ll still go” John said with a bit of anger, “we better get going then” Jenni said. “What?” Kara said, “I thought about her condition and what you said and decided to go” Jenni replied. “how far away is the hospital from here?” Jenni asked. “about a mile and a half” Kara said, “I know a shortcut so we can get there in no time” John said. “Then you can lead the way” Jenni said.
John took them around the different alley’s and about ten minutes later they were a block away from the hospital. “Jenni can you carry Lily for a while?” John asked, “sure” Jenni replied. John slowly slid Lily off his back and placed her on Jenni’s back. “alright when we get to the hospital all we have to do is find the blood lab” Kara said, “I can show you where it is, the equipment too” John said. “how the hell do you know that, I’m sure it ain’t on the six o’ clock news” Jenni said, “I used to work here” John said, “ I worked here as an assistant before everyone became zombies, so I know where everything is” John said. “ well then lead the way doc” Jenni said sarcastically, They walked into the hospital and John showed them the way to the blood labs, “slow down” Jenni yelled out “I can’t exactly power walk with a dying person on me”.
After getting to the blood lab John and Kara started to work on Lily, “Looks like she has type B blood” Kara said, “I’ll grab some out of the storage room” John said. John walked into the blood storage and his heart sank, all of the blood bags were either coagulated or torn open. “John hurry up we got company!” Jenni yelled, John ran back to the room and saw some skewer lizards on a security monitor, “How the hell did they find us?” John asked. “It was me” Kara said, John and Jenni turned to see her bandaging her leg, “I must have cut my leg and their following the blood trail” she said.
John grabbed an empty transfusion bag and hooked it up and puut the needle in Lily’s arm, then started to prep another needle to the bag, “Did you find a blood transfusion bag for her?” Kara asked, “yeah me” John replied as he hooked the other needle into his arm. “You can’t do that it’s to dangerous!” Kara said “well all the blood bags were all torn and there’s no way in hell I would get to the other storage room before the skewers get me, so this is her only chance!” John yelled. The blood flowed into the tube from John’s arm and into the empty transfusion bag, when it was filled halfway John pulled the needle out of his arm and started to get the blood to flow into Lily’s arm. “Hurry up John their almost here!” Jenni yelled, “Push that machine in front of the door” John said. Kara and Jenni pushed the machine in front of the door. All the blood in the bag had drained into Lily’s body and she started to open her eyes, when she opened them fully she saw John taking a needle out of her arm.
“What’s going on?” Lily asked, “ Lily it’s okay, were in a hospital, you needed a blood transfusion” John said. John helped Lily up, a loud crash came from the door, “Follow me!” John yelled and ran for another door. John ran through the door with the others following close behind him, John opened a back door and ran into an open street, Jenni, Kara, and Lily ran out and into the street by John. “Now where do we go?” Kara asked, “Head left” John said, Everyone ran to the left until they reached the front of the hospital. “Now to just get through all the alley’s” John said, he turned around to the others and his eyes widened, “What’s the matter?” Jenni asked, “Run!” John yelled unholstering his pistol, as soon as everyone was past him John fired the gun four times then ran towards the others, Kara turned to see what was going on, John was running towards them and behind him where the skewer lizards running after them.
John caught up with the others and turned into an alley and grabbed onto a pipe running up some apartment buildings. “Climb up to the third window and climb in” John said climbing the up the pipe. John climbed all the way up and climbed through the window and helped Jenni, Lily and Kara inside. “John how did you know about this place?” Jenni asked, “this used to be my apartment, infact were standing in my old room” John said. “You lived here?” Kara asked, “ yeah till about a week ago, I was gonna hit the road east and that’s when I met you guys” John replied. “what about your parents?” Kara asked, “Not to interrupt but you have a bathroom?” Lily asked. “yeah down the hall second door on the left” John said, “Thanks” Lily said as she left the room, Jenni followed her.
“John how come your parents weren’t with you?” Kara asked, “they’re dead” John said. “Oh I’m sorry” Kara said, “I’m not” John said, Kara looked up surprised, “why?” she asked. “My parents were junkies, they would rather have a fix then have me around” John said. “That’s probably not true” Kara said softly, “It is, they would leave me alone for days while they tried to get some drugs” John said. “What about your parents?” John asked, “they’re dead too, they died in a lab accident” Kara said, tears started to flow down her cheeks. Lily and Jenni walked back into the room and saw Kara crying, “Kara what’s wrong?” Lily asked, “It’s nothing” Kara replied wiping the tears away, Lily turned towards John, “Did you do something to her?” Lily asked.
“Of course not, why would I hurt Kara” John said. “I think it’s best if we stay here tonight” John said, “It wouldn’t be safe outside”. Everyone agreed with John, “where are we supposed to sleep?” Jenni asked, “this room won’t hold all of us”.
“Well there are only two bedrooms this one and my parents room” John said, “I’ll stay in here” Kara said. “I’ll take the other room” Lily said, “same here” Jenni said, “Alright the room is down the hall and third on the right. John said. “thanks John, goodnight you two” Lily said, “see ya tomorrow” Jenni said. Both girls left the room, after they left John started to rummage through closet. “where the hell is it” John muttered, after a couple minutes John pulled out a sleeping bag.
“Kara you can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor” John said, “Are you sure it’s your room” Kara said back, “yeah I’ll be fine, won’t be the first time I’ve slept on the floor” John said. “Okay” Kara said, John crawled into the sleeping bag and they both fell asleep. John was sleeping soundly, suddenly a scream woke him up, he sat up and saw Kara sitting upright in the bed, she was shaking and crying. “ Kara are you alright?” John asked as he sat in the bed next to her. Kara had a blank look in her eyes, “Kara!” John yelled. Kara eyes came back into focus and she was looking at John, without warning she grabbed John and pulled him into a tight hug, “thank god your okay” she whispered.
The door flew open and John looked to see Lily and Jenni run into the room with their guns raised, “What’s wrong?!” Jenni asked looking around. Her gaze fell onto John and Kara hugging, “what the hell is going on?” Jenni asked,” Kara must have had a nightmare, she woke up screaming” John said, “oh” Jenni replied, Jenni and Lily lowered their weapons and left the room closing the door and it was quiet again. “Kara what in the world were you dreaming about?” John asked, no reply came. “Kara?” John asked, he looked down to see Kara had fallen back to sleep, not wanting to move and wake her, John just leaned against the wall and propped his head against the wall and fell asleep with Kara still in his arms.