KSR's OC Interviews


KSR: So, Conus, tell me about yourself.

Conus: I am an Outsider, and I'm proud of it.

KSR: Why is your name so different from those of the other Outsiders?

Conus: Because I chose my own name. Their names-- if you could call those "names"-- were assigned to them at conception.

KSR: So, why did you name yourself "Conus"?

Conus: It sounds like lightning striking. I found it fitting since my tail conducts electricity.

KSR: Besides your electric tail, do you have any other powers?

Conus: Though I am a skilled fighter, what I truly pride myslef on is my intelect. I am far smarter than most Outsiders. In fact, I know the truth about--

KSR (covering Conus's mouth): Conus! Don't give spoilers!

Conus: Then write me into the story, human!

KSR: I'm afraid you don't come in for another few chapters.


(Conus storms off. Get it? He storms off. Like lightning. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm not funny.)