Welcome to ChiruPon no Sekai, the place where ChiruPon will be posting all her important and semi-significant stuffs.

Trophy (yay)& Advertising?

Yay! I just realized I got a trophy! I do not have many talents, so for the few talents I do have, it is nice to be rewarded with pixels shaped as a trophy cup. (^o^) Although, that really is not the reason I am here (Dun, dun, dun). I am here to advertise my LiveJournal community. I actually made it a year ago, hoping people would join, but with zero advertising and no friends on LJ, it did not exactly work out. (laugh) I recently decided to go back to LJ, and I decided to revive the community (which only had myself and my old account as members), so what I am trying to say is if anyone has a LiveJournal, feel free to join. It is called, "☆★ + 「ASIAN POP CULTURE GRAPHICS」 + ★☆." Sorry for the unnecessary capitalization and symbols, but that is the community's full name. You can view the rules and stuff here. If anyone is interested, leave a comment here.
