23 skidoo


Well, I'm starting to make it a habit to post here (which was my original intention, actually. So it's all good.), and I was wondering, internet, if there's anything you'd like me to do. Internet, I feel like I owe you a few favors. I mean, you supply me with image macros, mp3's, and porn, so I figure I should at least give something back to you. Just tell me what it is you want.

In other words: I've got some ideas about what kind of crap to post here. These ideas are:

  • Essays and rants in the style of what I posted last night.
  • Fiction. Not fanfiction. Just fiction.
  • More music.

And some other stuff that I thought of and can't remember right now. If you read this, please be so kind as to comment on it with your oppinion.

TL;DR - Comment and tell me what you want to see on this world.

And if you don't comment, I'll go whine in chat, threaten to leave forever, and then stick around anyway so I can continue whining about how being on this website is a waste of my time. SO YOU BETTER DO IT GAIZ.

An afterthought: speaking of last night's angry tirade, I read over it again and I don't even know what kind of mindset I was in... oh wait, yeah I do. I was really angry at the whole world because I had all my confidence destroyed in half an hour (probably less than half an hour), and I then spent another hour driving to nowhere in particular and screaming along to Minor Threat (link included for Manly. Some good noise right there.). I then returned home and had an existential crisis and wrote 4 really pathetic songs that will probably end up here in mp3 form at some time or another. And then I got online, went to deviantart and raged a bit there and came here to finish my rage up quite nicely. But anyway, you heard it hear first, internet: someone accidentally Cez's entire feelings. The whole goddamn thing. But everything worked out fine today (and I have no idea why).
