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Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind

What a long week...

What a long week....

All right, so I've mentioned that I've had a bit of a long week this week, and it's the God's honest truth too. I've debated talking about it, but in the end, I kind of think that it'll help a little to do so and get it off my chest, so to speak. I will say now that it's quite personal to an extent too, so read on at your own discretion.

So, where to start? Well, I guess the beginning of all of it would make sense. Basically, back in September, my husband and I went through tough times where he was searching for a job, beings his seasonal one had ended. We fell behind on some of our bills, including the one for our car. It was nearly three months before he found work (I have issues of why I can't work at this time, but they're more personal now then I'd like to get into), and needless to say, our car lender was especially not happy. So we ended up working out arrangements with them to pay what we could until we could catch back up.

So, fast forward to this week. Although we'd been paying what we could every two weeks, they were hounding the hell out of us, but that's actually very normal for this company from what we've learned. Anyway, we make a payment monday, and everything is like it always is with them. But then, at 1 am wednesday, headlights show up in our driveway. Long story short, it was a repo man, and he takes our car. What was worse was that he got in my husband's face when he came out there, yelling at him to just go back inside. I finally got out there and he acted more civil to me, and I made sure to at least get what we needed out. My husband ended up calling the police to monitor the guy though, considering that he almost ran him over trying to make him move from the car at one point too. While I know these guys have a rough job and all, this guy was just a little too aggressive, and it was getting ridiculous.

Anyway, we called the company the very next morning because there was nothing we could do at one in the morning, but all they tell us is that we need to pay all of the backed before it could be returned to us. To add to that, it has to be paid in ten days or the car is completely gone, and on top of that, we also had to pay the storage and tow fees. The grand total was over two thousand when it is all said in done. Needless to say, on a fixed income, it's not happening.

As one would imagine, this was the most stress we could have, considering we live on a farm and fifteen miles outside of town, along with two young children. The saving grace has ended up being family though. They got us another car, and it's only ten years old with under 100k miles. Although we're still reeling slightly from the left field stuff of this, we're going to be okay for the most part. I guess the biggest thing about it is that we have arrangements with them and never had any real warning that they were just going to take it. But maybe it was a better thing in the end too. It's less stress on us now, which is good for all of us.

In closing, if you've read this far, thank you very much for listening to my bad luck. I guess it's something that might be hard to comprehend if you haven't had it happen, and I swear I've told the whole truth to it (Trust me, I've heard many people who don't believe that someone was working with a company when their vehicle's taken). Not that I think that would happen here, but I just had to say it because I've seen it happen so many times. Anyway, hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend
