
My name is Maxie. I seek nothing more than the expansion of the land mass and the growth of the habitat of both people and Pokemon.

Besides this main goal, I have many other, smaller goals, such as beating Team Aqua and their incredibly stupid leader Archie at everything they do and surviving a day working as head of Team Magma with my sanity intact.

This is my personal blog. I hope you enjoy.

...you wish to annoy me further? Isn't that lovely. Well, if you really desire to join my world, read this:

Rules and Guidelines

My Pokemon Team

People Who Annoy Me (Guest Posters)
Red - greenLeAfe
Tammy the Flareon - jellydonut
Archie - CharlesGAMEsbirro
Shelly - MageofBLAZE
Tabitha - Shiningxsunray



I refuse. I am too tired for this blogging sh*t.

I'll just fall asleep on this Mewdamn bus once more, and if I wake up on Archie's shoulder AGAIN, I am going to murder someone.

Didn't have any coffee today...

Galactic Part II


So we toured Eterna's Galactic Building today. Gonna keep it short and sweet cuz I'm falling asleep. We met both of the remaining commanders. Jupiter comes off as weird, but after talking to her I think she's actually a really nice girl. Saturn seems nice as well; he kinda reminds me of Tabitha with a bit more brainpower.

Cyrus, unfortunately, was not in work that day. Something about going to Spear Pillar? I'm sorry that I missed him...Mars says we can check back for him later, so hopefully I'll get another chance to talk to him. I know it's not a really big deal, but I like talking to the heads of other criminal organizations to see how they work.

Well that's about all. I'm off to sleep.


Happy Maxie is Happy



And I don't care if Archie complained the entire trip, I had a lovely time. It's been far too long since I was inside a mountain. The volcano doesn't really count, it's been turned into a home, but to be surrounded by rocks again was absolutely wonderful. We saw a Zubat colony! I let Dimitri out, and he had fun playing with them: it kept them busy, too, so we didn't really face the infamous Zubat swarms people talk about.

Though I think being surrounded by Zubat isn't really all that bad...

Anyway, I'm excited because we'll be going back through Mt. Coronet to get to some of our other destinations later on. But first, Eterna City! We got there just in time for dinner, so we went out to a nice restaurant. We're staying in the apartment of one of Mars's fellow commanders--Saturn, the one she had been talking about? Well, he wasn't home that night--out on a mission, said Mars--and he was actually going to be staying at the Eterna Galactic Base while we were in Eterna, since it wouldn't be that long. How kind of him! Mars said he'll probably be back for our tour of the Eterna Galactic Building tomorrow afternoon. I'm very interested in meeting this Saturn person; Mars has been getting blushy when she talks about him...


Please Give Me Sleep


We didn't make it to Celestic Town before sunset, so we'll be staying here tonight. We met the Sinnoh League Champion, Cynthia, which was a big deal. The bigger deal was that she and Mars are good friends. Why wasn't I told?!

Anyway, Cynthia offered us a place to stay, and I felt really bad for taking her offer, especially because her grandmother's house is so small and Cynthia is insisting she's sleeping on the couch and Archie and I both argued that we'd take it instead and that became a rather large fight...Cynthia's grandmother must think we're crazy...

But yeah. Right now I'm sitting in Cynthia's living room as Cynthia and Mars catch up. Archie and I are kinda part of the conversation, I guess? Archie's sitting next to me right now and looking over my shoulder as I type this and it's getting really annoying and I'd kind of like him to GO AWAY ALREADY.

He's laughing at me now -_-

I've realized why I don't blog in public. I should shut down now, I'm getting really tired. I wonder if I'm not eating enough...usually I get lightheaded, though, not tired...I dunno...Well I'm going to power off and maybe just kinda relax while these two talk...And NO, Archie, I do NOT want to use your shoulder as a pillow. Get off my blog.

I get this feeling I'm never living those bus rides down...

Apologies Again


I just keep getting caught up in everything, and I've also been falling asleep at weird times again...I hope my sickness isn't coming back.

Thursday we spent the morning making MORE FRICKIN POFFINS, then took a bus and I fell asleep on Archie's shoulder <.< >.> AGAIN to Solaceon Town that night. Kinda boring, I guess, since we didn't do much. But whatever.

Friday was spent in the Solaceon Ruins. Archie proposed a contest to see who could take a picture of every single form of Unown first. Of course, I wasn't about to let that stupid Wailord show me up, so I accepted the challenge. It wasn't too difficult at first, and eventually I had all but one form. But that damn question mark form! It was nowhere to be found! I searched in every room in the Mewdamned ruins, and still nothing! I was getting really frustrated, because I was not going to let Archie beat me, and then I passed by our arranged meeting spot, still looking, and who was there with a photograph of every single form but...

...Mars! Bet I got you there, right?

But anyway, yes, Mars had somehow found every single form first. We went searching for Archie to tell him that the contest was over and found him shouting at the ruins' walls--seems he was having trouble finding his last one, too, though he was missing the exclamation point. Though it's a little embarrassing to be beaten by Mars, I guess, it's better than losing to Archie. Though now we both have to pay for her dinner the next time we go out, and knowing her she'll order the most expensive thing on the menu.

Today--or I guess I should say yesterday--we traveled ON FOOT (bah) back to Veilstone. We've decided to make a pit stop there before heading to Celestic and eventually to Eterna through Mt. Coronet. The road to Celestic Town is very foggy, so we'd prefer not to walk there at night. We stopped by a small cafe on the way over, and Mars had us try MooMoo Milk--Archie loved it, I thought it was disgusting. Then again, I've never been a milk person. Anyway, we got back to Veilstone around sunset, and Mars dragged us into the department store there for a little while before we went home and I made dinner. It was nice to be in an actual house for a change; Mars's house is much cozier than the hotels we've been in.

So we set off for Celestic as soon as we wake up. Depending on how late we get there, we may try to get through Mt. Coronet, too, but I don't think Archie would appreciate climbing mountains in the dark, so there's a good possibility we'll end up staying at Celestic for the night.

Now I should really get to sleep...Archie's probably going to yell at me because he thinks I'm getting sick again -_-