
My name is Maxie. I seek nothing more than the expansion of the land mass and the growth of the habitat of both people and Pokemon.

Besides this main goal, I have many other, smaller goals, such as beating Team Aqua and their incredibly stupid leader Archie at everything they do and surviving a day working as head of Team Magma with my sanity intact.

This is my personal blog. I hope you enjoy.

...you wish to annoy me further? Isn't that lovely. Well, if you really desire to join my world, read this:

Rules and Guidelines

My Pokemon Team

People Who Annoy Me (Guest Posters)
Red - greenLeAfe
Tammy the Flareon - jellydonut
Archie - CharlesGAMEsbirro
Shelly - MageofBLAZE
Tabitha - Shiningxsunray



So guess who didn't eat enough today...

I'm going to have to make this quick, because Courtney is probably going to hear the typing and come in and yell at me for not sleeping. Because it seems everyone I know overreacts every time I faint. Mew above. It's not like I'm dead.

But at least Courtney didn't attempt to stuff me with food. She gave me enough that I wasn't lightheaded anymore and then told me to go to bed. I'm still not enthused that she's bossing me around, but it's better than Archie and Mars feeding me until I explode.

There's a sudden chill in my room. And I live in a volcano. What is this madness?

Perhaps I'll actually sleep. I think I hear Courtney. Yeah, definitely actual sleeping. Yep.



I've been off and on with a cough...again...

Finally got back in touch with Archie. Idiot Wailord said he's been "busy". Yeah, whatever.

I'm sorry, I'm really tired...and I don't feel like writing...again...



I'm not sure why, but I've been very tired all of a sudden. Like, it was incredibly difficult for me to get up this morning. And I kept having the urge to take a nap. Perhaps I should try to go to bed early.

I attempted to call Archie this morning, but it went to his voicemail. I called him in the afternoon, too; still voicemail. To avoid looking like a clingy boyfriend, I think I'll wait until tomorrow to call him again. And then if he doesn't pick up I'm flying over to Mossdeep and hitting him with a frying pan.

Oh, and for some reason, Courtney's been seeming...odd lately...I don't know why...She's acting a lot like Mars does when she's around Saturn, but...half the time she's not with anyone...I don't get it. Why are girls so complicated?

Still haven't told the admins about Archie, btw. I wonder if he's told his admins...Maybe I would know if he would pick up his Mewdamn phone and talk to me...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only sane one in Hoenn...

Back at the Volcano


Well, finally, I have arrived home to Hoenn and am back in my lovely Mt. Chimney. I think I missed it more than I realized...But, anyway, somehow Tabitha managed to keep the volcano intact the entire time I was gone...I feel like Courtney may have had a lot to do with that...

Mars called an hour or so after I got home, asking to make sure I got there safely. The hurricane is basically dead now, so we were able to get back safely, but they were still calling for storms so I think Mars was worried about us...The boat ride was pretty bumpy, but I'm alive, I guess...

Archie promised he'd call me later tonight...and he hasn't yet...I feel like the idiot probably fell asleep -_- I'll be honest, it feels...kinda odd, not being with him after spending so much time together. I almost feel...lonely...? I wonder if he feels the same...Nah. He's too idiotic to notice I'm not there -_-

Speaking of which, I haven't told the admins about us yet...How long do I wait to drop that one...?

Well, I think I'm going to wait for Archie's call for maybe another half hour and then go to bed and promptly call him tomorrow morning to yell at him for not calling. I guess it's back to real life tomorrow...yay...

HELLO CIVILIZATION (and yet not really)


How long has it been since I posted? Damn.

Well, with my sickness, Archie's sickness, being snowed in, having to wait for a boat to the Survival Area for a few too many days, chilling in the Survival Area, getting sick AGAIN, going back to Veilstone...yeah, things were hectic. But anyway, Archie and I were planning to leave for Hoenn yesterday. Sad to say, we've burdened Mars long enough.

Planning to leave, mind you.

Apparently, there's a hurricane whipping up some trouble in Hoenn, and no boats are coming or going. So yeah. Stuck here a bit longer. The problem with Hoenn and hurricanes is that there's so much WATER that hurricanes take FOREVER to lose their power. MEWDAMMIT, ARCHIE, THIS IS WHY WE NEED LESS WATER.


I'm just...going to go to bed now...yeah...

((I'VE RETURNED kinda))