I <3 this pic! its so funni!!!!!! (srry not a fan of sailor moon) it makes me laugh! :D


Here's another dream I had last year...I was on a my 7th grade class trip to Ireland (we never really went to Ireland). There i was with 2 of my friends in this room that looked recognizable (in real life). There I saw one of the people that i disliked when i was younger ( not in real life), her name was Brittney and she was 11. There was an instructer for some sort of social class. She instructed us all to tell something about ourselves.We went sround the 2 lines of people facing each other. When we got to Brittney for her to tell us something about herself (duh). This is what she said, "I was pergnant 2 times," my friends' and my jawed dropped while everybody else clapped and cheered. She was only 11! When it came around to my friend's (on my left)turn...she was acting shy so she just stuck her hand in the hand and pointed her index finger to the ceiling - people clapped. i did the same - people clapped. My other friend (on my right) did the same - no one clapped Why? Idk. After that session was over we went outside and the wind started to pick up a lot. it was so strong it was blowing me away!... then I forget the rest......besides that... JOY! :image


This dream happened a long time ago...as in last year. I had a dream about queen Elizabeth the 18th (there is no queen Elizabeth the 18th though). This took place in England where I was on vacation. Many people in the town disliked this queen (who dosen't exist)so they created a plan to kill her. At the perfect time they stabbed the queen with a green pitch forkBut now there was nobody ruling England! So somebody took out a deck of cards and dealed them out to about 12 people (one of which was me)and we all began to play poker to see who would be the next king or queen of England (I think I was winning). Then I woke up. But anyway...JOY!
