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I can't imagine L being seme... o n o

The Assasin's Sigh (original story) Part...one?

I got bored. So I wrote a story. (by the way, there may be some mature content, and the beginning is crap, so..just warning.)
The assassin sighed as he walked through the damp forest. Blood was oozing from the spot where the soldier had shot him. Stumbling, he leaned against the trees for support. Killing Class I military soldiers with extensive training was harder than he thought. His signature knives were soaked in blood, and he had to wash them and dump them somewhere, or he was in very big trouble. Wandering further into the forest, he found a pond. Quickly dipping the knives into the pond, he tossed them into the bushes, and covered them up with some leaves. Meandering on, he noticed he was clearly lost. The pain in his stomach was starting to blind his senses. Tripping over a rock, he fell to the ground. He was starting to lose consciousness when he noticed two men walking toward him. The men were wearing gray suits, and were talking in hushed voices, something about knives. Once they saw him, they ran up the path. He had passed out before they got there. The men picked him up and carried him to a house.

He woke up lying on a bed in a small room. Light was streaming into the room through a small window in front of him. “Wh-Where am I?” he stuttered. The walls of the room were a clean, crisp white. Too white, he thought. His sheets were a crisp white, too, and they smelled faintly of lavender. Sitting up, he felt a cool cloth fall onto the comforter. The men must have thought I had a fever or something. And, how did they know about the knives? I covered them perfectly…He thought again. Looking at the clock, he saw it was 5:00 pm. As he was about to get up, the men entered the room. They were holding bandages, and a white shirt. He decided to get a closer look. One man had blond hair, and one man had brown hair, and they were both around six feet tall. They were still wearing the suits.

“Hello, I see you have woken up. You should sit down, you need your rest. I can see you were shot pretty badly. By the way, what is your name? Mine is Kiryu. Kiryu Zensou,” the blond haired man said.

“Um…okay. My name is…(and here he paused and thought up and alibi) Sam. Sam Riyazaki. And…thank you.” Sam stuttered. He wasn’t sure whether to trust these men or not. They looked like they were friendly, but maybe they had hidden intentions. And the whiteness of everything. It was starting to creep him out.

“Ah, Riyazaki-kun, is it? Now, lie down. We need to rebandage your wounds, they look very bad.” the brown-haired man said. At this point, Sam was forced to lie down by Kiryu, who immediately gripped his wrists to keep him from slipping out (with one hand). I-Is he gay? This is so…wrong. Or maybe it’s some sort of torture scheme. Sam thought. He tried to struggle away, but Kiryu was stronger. “Ow…ow…OW! Be gentle when you take them off! Don’t just rip it!” Sam yelled.

“Oh. I’m sorry.” the men said, and they methodically removed the rest of the bandages. Throwing the bandages into the trash, the men got out new bandages. Sam winced as Kiryu applied antibiotic ointment, rubbing it in soothing circles around and on the wound. Suddenly, he felt calm. The way Kiryu was rubbing the ointment was making him sleepy. But he had to stay awake, because if the men (who were possibly gay) did something to him in his sleep, he would not be happy. “You look sleepy. Go on, rest, Sam-kun. You’ll be okay. I won‘t hurt you.” Kiryu said, stroking the side of Sam‘s face with his hand. The man with the brown hair had exited the room minutes ago, so Kiryu and Sam were apparently alone.

“O…kay…” Something about Kiryu made things okay to Sam, like it was going to be alright. He was sort of like…a caretaker, or a family member. If only I knew what family was like…Sam thought. He thought he felt a tear escape from his eye, and he quickly wiped at it before he fell asleep.

Kiryu, meanwhile, was very worried about Sam. He wanted to know more about him. Who was he? Why did he have that shot wound in his chest? And, furthermore, Kiryu…strangely enough…wanted to be near him. He wanted to protect him. If anyone else was lying in the path, with blood spilling out of their stomach, he probably would have just passed them by, or called the hospital for them. Kiryu knew he would never had taken care of anyone else so specially like this. Lost in his thoughts, it suddenly occurred to Kiryu that Sam may be hungry. Walking out of the room, he got Kiryu some water and some miso soup and brought it back into the room. Sitting down on the white couch across the room, he watched Sam until he, too, fell asleep.

Sam woke up. He looked at the clock on the wall. It read 6:00 pm. He had been out for around an hour. Weakly, he called out, “Ki-Kiryu? A-Are you there?” Slowly after this, Kiryu woke up. He immediately walked over to Sam and said, “How are you feeling? Has the pain gone down? I made some miso soup, if you’re hungry, but it may be a tad cold, so I can heat it if you want.”

“Oh. Thank you for the soup, and you don’t need to heat it. I can just eat it cold, it’s fine,” Sam said, smiling. He sat up and began to eat the soup. It was very, very good, even if it was stone cold. Sam hadn’t had a home cooked meal in years. He mostly ate convenience store food, cup ramen, and apples, because he was on the go a lot (He’s a assassin, remember?). He loved apples, though, so he asked Kiryu, “D-Do you have any apples around?”

“Yes, in fact, we have an apple tree. I can go pick an apple for you, they are very delicious. Ripe, and juicy.” Kiryu said. Standing up, he exited the room, and returned a few minutes later holding two apples. He handed one to Sam, and kept one for himself. Sam bit in. He had never tasted a more juicy apple in his life. Smiling, he bit into the apple again. In a few minutes, he had eaten the whole thing. Core and all. Turning to Kiryu, he said, “Thank you!” with a smile on his face. And he meant it this time. He was not used to kindness from strangers, but Kiryu made him feel…safe, somewhat. Not like the brown-haired man, who gave off a hostile aura.

“I could almost fall for you, you know…” Kiryu muttered. He was surely not gay, and he knew that, but he wondered. He just seemed…attracted to Sam. Hmm. Maybe this is what they call “fate”, he mused.

“Um…what?” Sam stuttered. Is he gay? He blushed a little.

“N-nothing, Sam-kun.” Kiryu said. He looked down, blushing. This was definitely the most embarrassing moment of his life. Telling another guy you could “fall” for him. Sam-kun will definitely get the wrong idea…he thought. Sam, meanwhile, was somewhat confused at this statement, but he wasn’t weirded out. In fact, he was happy. If Kiryu-san really does like me, Sam thought, he’ll be the first person in my life that would. And then Sam noticed he was crying. He thought he had completely forgot how.

“Wh-What’s wrong? A-are you hurt? Tell me! What’s wrong?” Kiryu yelled. He was panicking. Seeing Sam cry…hurt him, somewhat. And yet…this only gave him a stronger desire to know his past.

“I-I’m s-sorry. I-It’s just t-that if you really d-did like me, y-you would be the f-first p-p-person t-to…” Sam stuttered, his voice choked with sobs. He never meant to cry, it’s just Kiryu’s words moved him deeply. No one had ever…cared…about him before. All his life, it had been nothing but orders, and getting kicked around like a dog. He had always been the weakest one in his regiment, and was harassed and humiliated constantly. No one ever extended a caring hand. A kind word.

“D-do you need a hug?” Kiryu whispered. Then, Sam rushed into his arms, full-out sobbing now. “Shhh. It’s okay, it’s okay. Everything will be all right. Trust me.” Sam felt strangely relieved somehow. His tears started to stop, and he was whimpering now. Then, a sharp pain exploded in his stomach. “Ow!” he screamed. Kiryu immediately let go of Sam, and Sam fell back onto the bed. He was in unbearable pain. “Damn…poison ….bullet…” Sam saw Kiryu’s face swirl in front of him, as he slowly started to slip into unconsciousness. “Get…some…tea…leaves…” Sam said before he passed out.

TEA LEAVES? WHAT THE HELL DOES HE NEED TEA LEAVES FOR? he thought. Grabbing some tea leaves out of the cabinet, he ran back into Sam’s room, setting the tea leaves down on the nightstand. Shaking his shoulders, Kiryu shouted, “Wake up, Sam, just…wake up, dammit! D-Don’t you die, too!” Taking the tea leaves, he dumped them all into the wound, taking a guess at what he wanted him to do. Instantly, Sam woke up, rubbing his head feverishly. Sitting up, he looked at the tea leaves, dissolving into the wound. Smiling, Sam said, “Green tea. Perfect. Thanks, Kiryu.”

Kiryu released his breath, slowly smirking. “You’re welcome, but what do I get for saving you, huh?” Sam was confused, and simply said, “I-I don’t know. Maybe I could…live with you and do the cooking and things…since…I have no…place to go back to…”

“Oh. Well, then, from today on out, you’ll live with me. And do the cooking. And cleaning, and laundry and wear a maid’s uniform.” Kiryu swiftly said, leaning in so his eyes were level with Sam’s. “Do you understand?” Sam scooted away, mumbling, “Y-Yes, but…no maid’s uniform. I don’t have a cosplay fetish, and I have no clue why you would have one of those.” Kiryu scooted across the bed, cornering Sam in the corner, and whispering, “And, you’ll have to take care of some of my personal desires too…” and his voice trailed off as his lips locked with Sam’s. Probably his first kiss…Kiryu thought. He’s probably not ready for tongue yet…

Sam freaked out. I-I’m being kissed by a…guy? he thought. Trying to push Kiryu away, he struggled. But he was secretly…in the very bottom of his heart…enjoying it. Breaking his resistance for a moment, he deployed his special technique. Collecting power for a moment, he slammed the side of his right arm in Kiryu’s ribs, but it only moved him a little. W-What? I-It didn’t work? That technique usually sends most normal people flying, Sam thought. When Kiryu stopped kissing Sam, he smirked. “That’s a nice technique. Where’d you learn it? I almost didn’t counterattack fast enough.” Sam was shocked. That was a counterattack? he thought. “C-Counterattack? What do you mean?” he stuttered.

“Yeah, counterattack. I attacked you at the same time you attacked me. So it balanced out,” Kiryu explained, getting off of Sam and sitting on the edge of the bed. Sam frowned. But he didn’t have enough time, he thought. Kiryu looked at his frowning face, and chuckled. Scooting over so the poor little boy was cornered again, he murmured, “Don’t frown. You look cuter when you smile,” resting his hand on Sam’s face, and pulling it into his so their lips were touching again. Sam blushed subconsciously, and pushed away weakly, not putting much effort into the push. Kiryu took this as an invitation to go a bit further, not wanting to scare the poor boy away. Slowly bringing the boy closer to him, he wrapped his arms around his back, pausing for breath, when he noticed the boy wanted to say something.

“Kiryu…w-what are you…doing…,” Sam murmured, a bright red flush on his cheeks. Wiggling around, he turned his face away, only to have it moved back by the other male. Feeling lips pressed back to his, he relaxed and slowly let Kiryu push him down on the bed, so he was positioned on top of the blushing, awkward Sam. Kiryu chuckled and gently ran a hand under the boy’s short-sleeve shirt, pulling it up to his shoulders. Sam shook, he was only the young age of fifteen, and the other male on top of him was twenty-one. Blushing a deeper shade of red, he attempted to get Kiryu to get off of him, but he couldn’t. He was exhausted, not to mention the other male was quite stronger than him. Kiryu chucked, and whispered softly, “Don’t start struggling, or I’m going to have to hold you down.” Sam’s eyes opened wide in shock, then closed when he was kissed again, but with more passion.

Sam breathed out in a heavy way when Kiryu took a break to breathe. His face was a bright shade of red, and his long blond hair was strewn out all around him. Kiryu chuckled, and pinched Sam’s cheek, kissing his neck softly. The smaller boy squeezed his shoulders in surprise, then relaxed again, until he felt a wet tongue on his collarbone. Squeezing his eyes shut in surprise, he twitched and flinched as Kiryu kept going, taking his surprised reaction as a good thing. Moaning, Sam tried to push Kiryu away, but instead got his hands and arms pinned to the headboard. “What did I say about struggling?” Kiryu whispered, slipping the younger boy’s shirt up and over his arms, and tossing it to the floor. Moving his head out from his neck, he lightly kissed the boy’s shoulder, trailing a line of kisses down to his nipples, then licking at them gently. Sam thrashed about, trying to escape from the other man’s strong grip on his arms. He was almost about to scream, when lips were clamped over his, again.

“Mmm! Mmnn!,” Sam moaned, struggling about. He wanted desperately to escape, but part of him wanted to stay. He squeezed his eyes shut, never wanting this to happen. Even though he was staying with the man for free, that didn’t mean he had to be his little love-slave. Sam started to shake, and the older man took notice of this and paused, looking him dead in the face.

“Don’t be scared,” Kiryu purred, “I’m not going to hurt you. Just relax, you don’t want me to kick you out of the house, do you now? Jeez, Tomaru (Sam assumed he was reffering to the brown haired man) never put up a fight like you do. He was really…no fun at all.” Sam protested, as Kiryu was refusing to let him go, and also trailing his free hand all over his bare chest. Finally managing to say something, Sam whispered, “A-at least take your s-shirt off too…i-it’s not fair if you have all of your clothes on…”

Kiryu smiled, and removed his shirt slowly, chuckling. “Now, we’re going to need to take off more of your clothes,” he purred, reaching for Sam’s pants…

