Marvel Takes an Anime Hint

So following the success of DC Comic's Batman: Gotham Knight being done in an anime style, Marvel has decided to also undergo the anime treatment. Marvel is joining forces with Madhouse, a studio that produced most notably Vampire Hunter D, to bring 4 superheroes to the anime scene in Japan in 2010. Spiderman and Iron Man have been confirmed, but the other two are still an unknown.Not much is known about the actual content of the series yet, but it looks like they'll be giving their creators a lot of freedom to re-imagine the looks and back stories of characters. “It will create an entire parallel universe for Marvel,” said Simon Philips, the President of Marvel International.

The series will also be adapted into manga and available to download on Japanese cell phones. So far, there are no plans for a US release, but we all know that won't stop us from seeing it in some form or another.

New York Times
