Hallo and welcome to my simple feeble little worls

Name:Natasha Walker


Birthday:January 25

Loves:Soul Eater, potatoes, art, online friends

Hates:Most of my RL friends, thefts, People who say you can't like the same Character cause they like them. people who are full of themselves & think their better than everyone when their not. ect

About Me:

I'm pretty much random and easily amused



Okay I made alot and I mean alot of changes of Haruka. (Still in love with that bastard Sasuke) For starters her name ain't even Haruka anymore, It's Taichi (I always loved that name). ya know, It'll just be easer to make a list of what changed and what didn't.

The Changes:
Name: the name is Taichi insteed of Haruka

Hair: It's longer in Part II and in part I it's more messed up.the color of the hair is a Khaki color insted of a Navy blue color

Eyes: The eyes are yellow insteed of purple

Outfit: Self explainitory (other words I'll explin the outfit in the picture comments)

Personality: she's a little mentle but sane well Hard to explain I'll show that in the bloody doujin (yes I am still going to work on it)

The Same:
Relationship: She's still with Sasuke and still Harasses the shit out of him XD

Village: still in The Village Hidden in the Mist (I love that Village)

Gender: She's still a girl. But she still will have that boy look in part I (Best Idea I ever had)

that is all I can think of... there are going to be things I'll mention in the picture so yeah.
