~Welcome to Blogging Blowup!~

Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Need to Blog Something NOW~ BP #8


I always feel weird if I don't blog for more than 3 days and it's been 5. :o So I'm just gonna ramble on what happened in my summer vacay so far:

1. Last Friday, I went to a wedding. I never ever been to one before so it was pretty exciting. I went to my aunt's place so she can style up my hair and put on LOADS AND LOADS of makeup. O^o It was crazy. I loved how she styled my hair; waterfall braid on the right side of my head and I can't explain what she did on my left side but it was pretty. <3 For the makeup... the only makeup I used n my life was lip gloss, powder and eye liner. Only used eye liner once and I use lip gloss once in a while. But this time, my aunt put mascara, eye liner, blush, lip gloss, powder, and a lot of other stuff I can't remember. -_- SO MUCH MAKEUP I FEEL SO GIRLY~~~
Anywho, the wedding was in Mississauga, an hour drive from Toronto. The wedding was pretty good and I'm in love with mango ice cream. ♥ It was delish! The bride was extremely beautiful OMG. Everyone was like staring at her in awe.

2. On Sunday, my cousins had a BBQ! It was fun. x3 Best explanation eva!!

3. On Monday, it was Canada Day!

I live in Canada so I celebrate it. No DURR x) I'm so weird
I went to this place where Bangladeshi people were celebrating it and I bought a really pretty summer dress. <3 I might wear it for my graduation. Then I went to this other place but an incident happened so my family left. And then we went to a beach and watched the fireworks. ^O^

4. Yesterday evening I went to the library and got around 7 books. My library card is gonna expire soon. >.<


What has happened so far for you guys? Let me know in the comments!

