It's that Time AGAIN...

Hello Everyone, and I mean 'EVERYONE' RPer's and TheO members alike. It would seem it is that time again. I must say every time I get the urge to do this I get lucky and get ONE person filled that the RP is needing... Heehee... Luck? Not sure if ...

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List of Characters, Worlds and Links

Here you will find ALL of the characters that are involved in the Bleach RP. Please make sure you are subscribed to each and everyone one of them. It is important that you are, Because if you are not you could miss something important ...

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It seems we are at a stand still for RPers. We have had no takers for roles in quite sometime. Which is fine, but the ones we have are at a stand still. I am not sure what it is that keeps them dormant. From my understanding Los Noches is keeping ...

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