Hello all my fellow RPer’s,

It would seem that our little group is banding back together once more after our somewhat extended and unexpected break--Glad to see you all back.

With the posts that have went up the last few days they have helped push mine/Aizen’s plans into effect. So without further ado –

This weekend: 04/18/2014
The BIG one: An RP
Will take place: In the comments.

A post will be placed to get this started. So if you’re a Bleach RPer and in our RP. You are more then welcome to join in.

HOWEVER. You had better know the story plot. DO NOT walk in there RPing when you have NO IDEA of what is going on. I WILL be the asshole here and delete your comment if you do that.

I'll have the post up no later than that day; Friday the 18th, at 5PM central time. Once it is up it is fair game to the RPer’s until – Well, until it is finished.

WARNING: You all know me well enough that if I see a chance to take advantage of a situation in the RP. I will. I proved that when I showed you all how to RP in the comments. So you know I will do it again. I DON’T let opportunity knock more than once. I won’t God Mod any of you. As I also expect NO ONE had better God Mod anyone else. You have to give the other or others a chance to react if you attack. EVEN if you are attacking an OC, which all the cannons over power them to start. Give them or their defender a chance to defend.

Also, if I were you. I would not even check the comments unless you have the time to comment. Because if you want to comment at that part and CAN’T. When you come back you may have lost your chance.

So again—

This weekend: 04/18/2014
The BIG one: An RP
Will take place: In the comments.

If you have any questions; other then the fact of:

Aizen what is your plans? *smirks*

Myself, Kita, Juushiro, Toshiro or Kisuke can fill you in on what’s going on. Just Pm one of us.

If you are on the Las Noches side I will tell you what you need to know. IF I am using you in the main plot. If not I will fill you in on what you can DO.

I hope to see you all there and you know the rules here. So have fun. I know I will *smirks*



If you're not part of the on going 'Bored RP' this don't concern you. So you don't have to read:

To all this may concern:

I saw a glitch for our posting of this 'Bored RP' *grins* ((Sorry Karmira it has stuck as that name with me)). Toshiro is in my shop (in comment) with Tsukiro while he is past out and having a vision of Kita and talking to her. Now to the normal people – hell even to the odd people, Toshiro can’t be in two places at one time. What are we going to do about this? We have to get him out of there before the release of Kita is posted. That’s going to LOOK FUNNY.

I can go in and RP with him via comment and then post it that way he will be back in Las Noches or if someone has another idea I am all ears to hear it, but let’s do something and SOON.

Let’s talk peeps and get this straightened away and quickly.

