Back To Work

Just a heads up for everyone. I start back to work tomorrow Thursday October 3, 2013. I won't be available through the day like I have been. I get home at 2:30 my time central time and I work Monday thru Friday. Weekends off. So if there is anything pressing anyone need to get talked about let me know before midnight tonight. That will be my new bedtime... heehee.

Time Zones so you can keep track are as:

  • Eastern: 1:30
  • Central: 2:30 <my time home
  • Western: 3:30
  • Pacific: 4:30


Newest Member *sorta*

Yammy has joined us once more in the Bleach RP. SO PLEASE! Make sure you are subscribed to him. If your a return RPer you already have him. If you're new be sure to go sub to him.

Here is his Account:

Yammy Riyalgo

