*character rendered by xpaulax*
*feather brush by halfliquid @ Deviantart*


The Kiss

Your kiss is so tender, so sweet.
I felt it from my head to my feet.
That kiss made my whole body quiver.
My hands and feet started to shiver.
The kiss itself seemed to last forever.
If asked to give it up, I would never!
I felt so much passion, so much love.
My heart was sent soaring way up above!
My whole body felt light as a feather.
The moment our lips pressed together.
What a wonderful moment it was for me,
and how it opened my eyes so I could see...
How my whole world could be filled with such bliss,
and how it all started with just one kiss!

By: Tiffany Lee Graham (TiffYG2133)

Short Poems

Here are a few short poems that I enjoy, hope you do too
The most important thing is to find out
what is the most important thing.
~Shunryu Suzuki
Though I think not
To think about it,
I do think about it
And shed tears
Thinking about it.
Cast off what has been realized.
Turn back to the subject
That realizes
To the root bottom
And resolutely
Go on.
Not believing in anything I just sit,
listening to my breathing
After thirty years
It still goes in and out.
~Albert Coelho
Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.
~Rabindranath Tagore
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
