The Albino Mosquito

Forgetting- Rei

Rei floated, unseeing, in silent darkness. For a short while, the pain receded slightly and he was left in a tired daze.

Around him he could hear voices but they seemed to be coming from a great distance away. He could feel cold hands

carrying him, taking him away, but he felt detached from the event and paid no attention, content simply because the

pain was almost unnoticeable.

Then, all at once it returned like the flick of a switch and in the ambulance Tyson was startled out of his gloom by

Rei's sudden scream as his back arched and then fell back and his whole body began twitching uncontrollably.

The paramedics were just as startled by this change but they quickly had the situation under control, giving Rei some

sort of pain killer that seemed to calm him down. Tyson slowly relaxed his tense muscles. He was still scared stiff for

Rei but he was glad not to be hearing him scream his agony anymore.

Almost as quickly as the pain had come, it was now gone again and Rei drifted, sinking deeper and deeper into the

darkness until it was all he knew and remembered. He couldn't remember how to get back and soon he found that he

didn't really want to anyway. After a while he even forgot that there had been a back to go to.