The Albino Mosquito

Hurting Friends- Kai

As Kai followed Kenny to the mosquito he brought a tentative hand to his still throbbing cheek. It was wet with


'Kenny.' He called out. 'You go on ahead. I'm just going to clean this up.'

He turned away.

'Uh…okay Kai.' Answered Kenny. He made as if to go but stopped again and added, 'do you…uh…do you want any

help with it?' Kai smiled softly at the look on Kenny's face, A strange mix between worry and terror. Kai shook his


'I'll be okay Kenny. Go on, I'll be there in a minute.' Kenny finally nodded reluctantly and walked off down the

corridor into his bedroom. Kai went the other way, into the bathroom. He stared for a while at his reflection in the

mirror. His skin looked even paler than usual in contrast to the bright red blood smudged across his face. Kai

frowned. A large bruise was already forming in ugly shades of purple, blue, and yellow.

He turned on the taps and watched as the freezing water filled the sink. When it was almost full he turned off the

taps, took a deep breath and plunged his head into the ice cold water.

When he came up for air, hair dripping, the blood had mingled with the blue face paint and together they had turned

the water a strange purple colour. Kai grabbed a face cloth from the shelf. Refilling the sink with fresh water, he wet

the cloth and slowly rubbed the colours from his face. It no longer hurt to touch his wound. It was there but he had

blocked the pain. It was something he had learnt a long time ago. He would not have survived without learning it.

Kai shivered as the awful memories flashed through his mind. They used to cut through him again and again till he

was bleeding and dizzy from the loss of blood. Sometimes even then they hadn't stopped and only sheer willpower

had kept him alive on those days. When they had finished hurting him they would leave him shivering on the cold

stone floor. Even though he was just a child, he never cried. Each tear shed in the Abbey bought a lifetime of torture.

All the same, he hadn't been ready for Rei to punch him. Somehow, it hurt much worse than anything else he had

suffered. It was a much deeper hurt than simple cuts and bruises. It was the very fact that Rei would lose control so

completely. In that short moment when Rei's fist flew towards him, Kai had felt how helpless he was, weak and

powerless to stop it. That was what hurt the most.

Kai shook the water from his hair and grabbed the plasters from the shelf. In brooding silence he finished off

(reapplying his face paint) and went to find Kenny.

'So? What do you think?' asked Kai. Kenny had been studying the mosquito for more than ten minutes now and Kai

was beginning to get impatient. Kenny sighed and sat back, frowning thoughtfully.

'Well… I can't be sure, but I don't think this is an insect.' Kai leant against the wall and folded his arms.

'If it's not an inset then what is it?' Kenny fidgeted nervously.

'Err… it's uh… I think it's a robot.' There was a thoughtful silence from Kai.

'So your saying that Rei was bitten by a man made machine and now something is seriously wrong with him and it

was almost definitely done deliberately on purpose?' Kenny looked slightly surprised.

'Um…yeah, I suppose so, but…' He was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Kai quickly got up and went to answer

the door.

Kenny stayed seated for a second, a puzzled expression on his face as Kai hurried out. He slowly finished his


'But the only company to have developed that technology… is Biovolt!'