The Albino Mosquito

Kidnapped- Rei

Rei woke up and wished he had stayed unconscious. Although he couldn't see anything, he could feel and what he felt

was a hard cold table under his back and pain burning in every muscle. Surprisingly Drigger was still clenched in his

hand. Maybe they didn't want him dead just yet. Then again, they had never said they wanted him dead, just that

they wanted the Bit Beasts. So why was he here?

From nearby there came the sound of footsteps and Rei froze, trying to pretend he was still asleep, but the person

had already noticed him.

'Ah, our new specimen has finally woken up.' Rei winced at the feel of cold, clammy hand on his wrist, checking his

pulse and gasped as the same hand grabbed his chin and turned his head roughly this way and that. they're…

examining me. Thought Rei with confusion. He tried to move his arms but they were held down by straps of cold

metal. He soon realised that his entire body was thus held and the only thing he could move was his head.

After a while he realised that it wouldn't have made a difference anyway, he was in no condition to try and escape.

The person left him alone again and disappeared somewhere to his left. Rei turned his head in that direction.

'What do you want with me?' he asked. There was a chuckle from behind his head.

'What do we want with you? I thought you might have figured that out by now! We want your Bit Beasts! The problem

is, Master Rei, We realised that we wouldn't be able to get the full potential of the Bit Beasts without using they're

masters as well! In brief, Master Rei, we want you to perform for us.'

'You want me to Bey-Battle?'

Rei was incredulous. They expected him to battle when he was in this kind of state? Even if he was alright, he would

never battle for Biovolt.

'I believe you might be thinking of resisting us, Master Rei.' Rei cursed inwardly, they were toying with him and

enjoying it. He winced slightly as icy fingers traced they're way down his face, brushing a strand of hair away.

'Don't worry too much little Neko. You won't have to battle anyone. We just want to see what your Bit Beast can do.'

With an evil chuckle the man was gone and Rei could here him moving further away as he shouted orders.

'Prepare the specimen, put all the equipment on high power. Make sure there are no mistakes this time.' This time?

Rei wondered as he lay waiting what that could mean. He didn't have long before the straps holding him were

released and someone grabbed his arms to pull him up. In seconds he was being half-supported and half-dragged

down what he assumed was a corridor. He heard various doors opening and closing as he was hurried to wherever it

was they were taking him but all he could really concentrate on was keeping hold of Drigger and the pain inside him.

After a while, Rei realised that they had stopped.

The two arms holding him up dropped him roughly to the ground.

'Get up.' it was the same voice again, this time it seemed to be slightly fuzzy as if it came over an intercom. Rei

stayed where he was, to tired to move even if he had wanted to.

'I said, get up.' Rei lay where he was, shaking his head slightly. He refused to help them in this. Suddenly, sending a

shock through his system, his left side burst into pain. Someone had kicked him.

'Now get up or there'll be even worse in store for you.' Rei started shaking slightly, he knew that his ribs had been

within an inch of breaking and it hurt like hell but instead of getting up he did the opposite, curling into a tight little

ball to try and block the pain.

'I see you're not gonna make it easy for us. It's your choice Rei.' Then there must have been some sort of silent signal

because blows started battering down, all over Rei's back and arms. Despite himself, Rei began screaming. The

mixture of pain from the poison and agony from the kicks and punches blended together to turn Rei's world into a

white hot scream. In the midst of the onslaught, Rei eventually slipped back into welcome unconsciousness.