The Albino Mosquito

A Helping Hand- Kai

Kai sank down on the grass verge with a sigh. After walking for about half the day he was still no where nearer to

finding Dranzer and he could feel his stitches being pulled painfully out of place. Looking around, he realised that he

was back in the place where he had been attacked. The place he lost Dranzer. He had returned here many times

during the day but there was nothing there to show him the way.

Leaning back, Kai rested gratefully against the trunk of an old oak tree and stared into the sky. Watching some

swallows swooping gracefully past, he wondered if he would ever see Dranzer again. He didn't even know who had

taken him, though he had a sneaking suspicion about it.

Kai closed his weary eyes with a heavy sigh. With the thought that it would only be a short rest, He drifted off to


'Look, there he is…finally…Kai, Kai wake up.' the distant voices penetrated Kai's troubled sleep and he stirred. His

body ached all over and his suspected that his stomach wound had reopened and was, even now, soaking the

hospital bandages with blood. He opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him, in varying states of annoyance and worry, were Tyson, Max and Kenny.

Glaring at them, Kai pushed himself up until he was almost standing straight. Even then he was still bowed slightly

from the pain in his back and side.

'Are you alright Kai?' Asked Max, tentatively. Calling on the last of his strength, Kai pulled himself up to his full

height, somehow keeping the gasp of pain from escaping, he kept his face blank.

'I'm fine.' He said shortly. With the three teens, still staring at him with concern, Kai turned and stalked carefully

away, using all his strength of will to push the pain away, deep inside.

'Kai, Wait!' cried Max in distress. 'We can help you. Don't you know that by now? We're your friends Kai, don't walk

away from us!' Kai stopped, closing his eyes wearily. He couldn't stop for this. He had to find Dranzer. Taking a deep

breath he stepped forward again.

'Kai! We have a way to find Dranzer!' Kai stopped again. He was breathing heavily now and he knew he wouldn't be

able to keep standing much longer.

'Dranzer?' he whispered. Turning back to them, he searched their eyes for the truth. Kenny held a letter clutched in

his hand. Even with his eyesight blurring on and off, Kai could still vaguely make out the name written on the

bottom. Hiwatari. Kai's eyes widened.

'Where is he?' he gasped. Max took a step forward,

'Maybe you should sit down Kai?' He asked, tentatively.

'NO' Kai was gripped with a sudden panic. He stepped forward and grabbed Max's shoulders, shaking him


'Where is he? Where is Dranzer? Tell me…y…you have to…tell…ugh…' with a sigh, he collapsed on top of Max and

they both fell to the ground.

'Get him off me!' Gasped Max, pushing at Kai's dead-weight. Rushing forwards, Kenny and Tyson pulled the

unconscious captain off of Max and laid him out on the ground. Sitting up with a groan, Max looked at Kai with a


'What are we gonna do now?' He asked. Tyson and Kenny stood silently for a while in thought.

'I guess all we can do is take him back home.' Said Tyson eventually.

Max nodded in agreement as he excepted Kenny's helping hand to stand up.

'Let's go home then.'