Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Just Like Having Children

Just Like Having Children
Rukia was slowly regaining conciouseness, due to the gentle shaking of her body and light kisses being trailed down her cheek, "Wake up," He wispered, "No, let me sleep," she returned, "We have to get up and take Choco and Nilla to get groomed," she yawned and looked at the clock, "I hate this stupid 8:00 apointment thing!" she tossed the blankets off, attempting to climb out of bed and get dressed, he tugged on her ankle, "It's only 7:00, we have a good thirty minutes to get awake," she smiled, "Want me to make some coffee or something?" he shook his head, "You shouldn't drink coffee, remember?" "So... because I'm pregnant I basically can't do anthing anymore!" she growled, he shook his head lightly, "No, that isn't it at all, I'm just trying to make sure that you're healthy," she rolled her eyes, "Anyway, we still have thirty minutes to cuddle," he stated, grabbing her and pulling her closer, "Mmmm, don't.... you're making me sleepy...." he laughed slightly, "Trust me, you're not faling asleep again! It took me an hour to wake you up!" she laughed slightly, "It didn't take THAT long!" she insisted, "Almost,"
"Rukia?! Get up! Come on we're gonna be late! Wa-wat are you doing?" he pulled his arm through his jacket and stared at her, "I'm making sure the dogs don't throw up," she replied, he raised an eyebrow at her, she was just laying in the floor just watching the puppies, "Ok... why?" "Because Chocolate just downed a roach," she stated matter-of-factually, "Ew, just... ew," he replied, staring at his dog, who licked his lips and seemed to smile, Ichigo shivered, grosse
Rukia sat down in a chair by the door, Chocolate in one hand, Vanilla in the other, "Yes, we have an apointment," Rukia tried her hardest not to laugh at Ichigo, "Chocolate and Vanilla Kurosaki," "Ok, HOW do you say that with a straight face?!" she sqwealed, he rolled his eyes and turned back to the reseptionist, "A grooming?" she asked, "Yes," "And they're also due for their exams and some vaccenations, would you like us to do that today as well?" "Sure," "If you could sighn these pappers, Ms. Shanon will be with you shortly," Ichigo took the pen and papper and sat next to Rukia, "... Wat are you sighning?" "Documents," "Why?" "In case something happens, I mean it's just like taking a kid to the doctor's, ya' no," she stared at him blanely, "Right, sorry, it'd be like YOU going to squad four for something," "...So?" he looked up for a moment, "Well that explains alot," he stated, turning back to his pappers,
It took a long time to finish sighning those stupid forms, and THEN they wanted to no about fleas and stuff! The entire time he was trying to keep Rukia in check, unfourtinatly they were there wile the dogs were getting their shots, and wen she heard the yelps and screams emmitting from the room, she screamed (in a, luckily, almost empty vet's office) "Wat are they doing to my babies?! Make them stop!" he nearly had to DRAG her out of there! And then once they were in the car she wanted to no WHY they were getting shots! "Rukia if you think this is bad I don't no HOW you're going to handle kids! Especially wen THEY have to get shots! It's horrible!" and that's wen he realized that he shouldn't have said that, "Do you have to make EVERYTHING painfull?!" she sqweaked, he rolled his eyes, "On another subject, they aren't babies anymore ya' no, we should think about getting them fixed," she glared at him like she never had before, "Oh? Well maybe we should think about getting YOU fixed!" "Ya' no wat.. never mind,"
She finally maneged to calm down once she was home and watching Saturday Morning Cartoons, that is, until... "Do you think the other dogs are being nice to them?" he wanted to die, "Yes, absolutely, why wouldn't they?" she shrugged, "Well, I wasn't very popular as a child," "Popularity isn't inherited," she nodded slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right, they're probbably the life of the kennel," Ichigo rolled his eyes slightly, honestly, having dogs is just like having kids!

Dog Days

"Um, you guys, I have a favor to ask," Orahime admitted, looking at the floor, "Sure Orahime, wat is it?" Rukia waited pateintly, sitting next to Ichigo on the bed, "Um, well, Tatskie and I are going on a trip this weekend, but her dog just had puppies a few weeks ago and she needs a sitter for them, will you two please do it?" Rukia's eyes lit up, "YES OFCOURSE!!!!!" Rukia sqealed, Ichigo glanced up as Orahime thanked Rukia and ran out quickly, "Wat did you just agree to?!" he shouted, "Yay! We're going to play with puppies this weekend!" "Wat?! NO WAY!" "But Ichigo! I already said yes!" oh joy, a weekend of fighting hollows and watching puppies, wat could be better?
"Tatskie said the key was under the mat," Rukia said lifting up the door mat, Ichigo shook his head, she opened the door, "Were are the puppies?" she asked disapontedly, Ichigo shut the door, "I dunno, they probbably- holy crud!" as soon as the door shut, eight puppies and two dogs came running down the stairs, "THERE ARE 10 DOGS?!!!" Rukia had already been nocked over and was property of wichever puppies could lick her the longest, she was rolling on the floor giggling, this was a cute side of her, a very cute side, and then he noticed that the other half of puppies were pawing at his legs, the adult dogs were laying on the floor watching the spectical, they obviously had no intentions of helping control their offspring, after Ichigo had rescued Rukia from the other puppies and they were on "higher ground" AKA the sofa (the puppies luckily hadn't learned how to jump yet,) "Ok!" Rukia grinned, pulling out the list that Tatskie had given her, "Their names are: Roo, Chi, Akiko, Miko, Roe, Riley, Shiro, and Inu, and their parents are Kuro and Ren," Ichigo shook his head, "Wait a minute Ichigo, how are we going to keep these puppies tame?" "I'm thinkin' puppy pin," "Ok, later, now go find us some toys!" "Excuse me, 'us'?" "Yeah, you, me, and the puppies!" he shook his head but did it anyway,
After about two hours of playing with the puppies, Rukia finally gave in and put them back in their puppy pin (AKA a few baby gates pinned in the middle of the room) she layed on the couch, next to Ichigo, "See why I didn't volenteer?" Ichigo asked, "Yeah, but it's worth it, like kids," Ichigo raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me? Wat does that have to do with puppies?" "Well, like kids, they're a handfull, but they're deffinatly worth it," Ichigo thought about that for a moment, "I guess that's true," "Yep, and if you want kids you better get your practice in now," "H-Huh?!" "Well you do plan on haveing kids right?" "Well, uh, yeah, eventually, you?" "Yeah, I do," "So Soul Reapers can have kids then?" "Yes, why couldn't we?" "Well, never mind, I guess if the dead can die again they can have kids," Rukia rolled her eyes, "Well," she got up, "I better get lunch ready for the puppies," and she left, Kuro and Ren stared at Ichigo, he stared back, he sighed, "Fine, fine, I'll go help her,"
"Rukia be carefull, that bag is pretty big," Rukia lifted the bag up as Ichigo entered the room, "I can do it Ichigo," "Alright, just don't-" "Woopse!" she spilled dog food all over the floor, "spill any," he concluded, she looked at him pleadingly, "I'll clean it up, get yourself some lunch, I'll be there in a few minutes," she nodded and started making a sandwich
Rukia put her plate on the coffee table and stepped over to the puppy pin, and unleashed the puppies, she thought they'd head for the kitchen were the puppy food was, but no, they jumped on the coffee table and started eating her sandwich, Ichigo was in the doorway wen she said, "Uuum, Ichigo, we have a problm," and then he saw the mess of puppies eating the mess of sandwich on the floor, "In my defense, I thought they'd head for the kitchen," she admitted, Ichigo shook his head, "Rukia," "Well uh, atleast now you don't have to clean up the floor?" she asked, grinning shyly, Ichigo just shook his head,
"Here Puppies," Rukia was feeding the puppies bits and peices of her and Ichigo's lunch, "You no they'll never eat dog food again, right?" Ichigo asked, "I no," "And you're the one that has to tell Tatskie that you ruined her puppies," "I no," "And-" "I NO" "Ok, just saying," after about an hour the puppies were finally asleep, and Ichigo and Rukia were left alone in the aftermath, "Human kids are going to be atleast twice this hard," Rukia mumbeled, "Your point? You've kept them alive and happy all day, you're doing your job," "No, you've just fixed my mistakes," "A relationship takes TWO people Rukia, besides, why're you worrying about kids now?" "Because, I'm a Soul Reaper, and I'm around the age-in Soul Reaper years- that I should be getting married and haveing kids," "Oh, well, do you have your eye on anyone?" "Yeah, but, I don't think he loves me back," "Who is he?" "Nu-uh, not saying," "Atleast give me a hint, come on, three questions? Please?" "Fine," "Ok, do I no him?" "Yes," "Is he a Soul Reaper?" "Yes," "Is he Renji?" "No," "Ok but that one dosen't count, ummm, ok, is he good with kids?" "VERY," Rukia sighed, "He might even be better than me," "I doubt that, but, why would that bother you?" "Because! It isn't natural! The mother is supposed to be better with kids than the father! It means that I'm no good as a woman!" "Or that the guy is no good as a man," "Yeah right, but think about it, I'm a Soul Reaper! I fight hollows, kick boy's butts, yell, I don't exactly look like Orahime, I grew up with guys, Orahime is my first female freind ever! I mean, I'm no good," "That isn't true, come on, moms are supposed to be fun and do weird things, play around, you do that," "You think?" "Yeah, ofcourse," Rukia looked at the puppies again, each one sleeping in the little puppy beds, "Ya' no, we make a pretty good team, you and I," "Yeah we do, don't we?" "Yep, hey, ya' no that guy that I like, but I don't think he likes me back?" "Yeah?" "I think I'll tell you who he is," "Yeah?" "Yeah, close your eyes," and as soon as he did, he felt her lips against his, "It's you," she wispered, "I love you Ichigo," "Love you too Rukia," she layed her head on his shoulder, "I love puppies," "Yeah, so do I," "So, we can babysit them again?" "Um, maybe," 96
