Konichiwa! My real name is Emily, and right now i'm a freshman in highschool. My birthday is March 26,1993 *hint hint* how's that for useless bits of information? I have TONS of favorite anime, the top three would have to be Fruits basket, Kodocha, and Naruto. I play the bartione! BARITONES KICK BRASS!! Also i love the most awesome guy. so yeah thats pretty much it! (or is it?)


look at otaku! its amazing! i kinda went off for a while cause everything was messed up, but now im back. its taken me bout 4 times to get this post up. XD im computer-challenged. im going now to try and find all my old friends on here and see how everything works. after that ill try to tell ya everything thats happened. bye ya'll!


Look at Otaku! i kinda went off for a while cause i was fed up with trying to do stuff, but now im back! this new otaku is really amazing huh? i dont know where all my friends are though, so that sucks. so if you could help me i would greatly appreaciate it. im going to go see how everything works so see ya later!
