Um,Hello everyone.*bows*
I am Lihime and I am new to the site.I registered here because I was wanting to see the best fanart yet!And I am impressed by most of the art here.It is very well done.And I think that some of the artists here are even better than pros!But I made this world to post the art of people who would like me to post their art here.(only if u want me to.its ur choice) But I hope to post some art on this world and be able to meet the great artists of the work. Till the next time.
Ps If u would like to see ur art posted on the art world.Just PM me and tell me which pic u would like to have on the world.

Namine.A pic I found from I dont know if anyone drew it.But it is very nice to me.

The Disappearance.

Hey guys heres that Yuna pic I said I would draw soon,remeber?
