Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8

Chapter 4: looks can be deceiving…can’t they?

Lenne and Momoko stood infront of the only hot topic store in town. Lenne ran in dragging Momoko along with her and started picking things out like a bull running for the red cloth.


“what’s up Lenne-chan?”

“I’m picking something out for you…”

“uh…ok…” she smiled. “what is it?”

“This…” she tossed two things too her. There was a brown spiked collar the spikes were red and a black leather jacket ending at the beginning of the rib cage it had red spikes on the shoulder, red cuffs, and a red seem.

“alright…” Momoko smiled. “as long as you’re paying…”

“if I have too…” she took the two items from Momoko’s hand and set them on the counter. She paid for her things and What she had picked out for Momoko. “here this too…not go change I wanna see what you look like…” she forced Momoko into a bathroom once they left the store.

“alright alright!” she took the mesh shirt from Lenne and went into one of the stalls she took off her shirt and put on the clothes that Lenne gave her. She walked back out with her old shirt in the bag and looked at Lenne “there…” she smiled.

“that’s better!” Lenne smirked. “but after this only wear it when I tell you too…except the collar keep that on always…”

“alright Lenne-chan” they started to head back to the car when there was a sort of explosion in one of the stores. They turned around and there was smoke coming from one of them there was also a Demonic aura in the building. Someone was tossed out and slammed against the wall. Momoko and Lenne ran up to the person. It was Takeshi.

“Takeshi? What happened over here?” Lenne helped him up.

“I don’t know…” he rubbed his head “but I’m going to find out…” he shook his head and bolted into the building again. The security guard’s also bolted in.

Momoko tried to run in after Takeshi but got stopped by one of the guard’s.

“Hey! Lemme in there!”

“no way…something’s happening and we’re evacuating immediately.

“But i—“

“no buts about it…now get outta here and take her with ya before you two get hurt!”

Momoko backed off and was back at Lenne’s side “Lenne we have to get in there…there’s a demonic aur—“

“no Momo-chan…lets go back to base and see what we’re dealing with first…if it’s like last time then we’re in deep trouble…alright?”

Momoko looked at Lenne and sighed “alright alright…”they ran out of the building along with the rest of the insane crowd and got into Momoko’s car. They get to the military base and run into the control center and look at the now blinking red screen.

“alright it’s a demon…but still none of the humans know angels actually live on earth or can even be seen….how are we going to—“

“look…” Momoko points to a symbol on the screen. It’s a skateboard.

“yeah so?”

“well what the hell does it mean!?”

“how the fuck should I know!?”

“I think it means the Sk8r Angel!”

“well…that would make sense but still what the hell are they doing they could be seen!”

“doesn’t look like they care that much…”

“no really Momoko?” she rolled her eyes. “alright come on that aura is pretty big and it looks like they could use our help…even though it’s against the rules and we could get in serious trouble for doing this…”

“since when have you cared about rules Lenne-chan?” she changed to Dove.

“Shut up Dove I don’t…” she changed to Twilight. They went back to the store. The demonic aura had either gotten bigger or more had arrived. The only angel there had just been thrown into Dove smashing them into the wall.

“What the hell…?” she shoved the unknown angel off her and rubbed the back of her head. “that’s it no one throws some guy into me and gets away with it I don’t care if it’s a human or a demon!” she regained her stability and summoned her chakrams. She ran at the demon and tried to slash it with one of them but nothing happened. The demon only turned around and smacked her away with his claws leaving scratch marks on her face. She stood back up and wiped the blood away from her cheek.

“Lenne…what happened?”


“I know that I mean why didn’t anything happen!?” she glared at Lenne for the smart ass remark. Momoko furrowed her brows and stood up she put one foot in front of the other. She raised one hand into the air and put her index and middle finger together. “Lenne…try something while I gather energy alright?”

“Was already on it dumbass…” she held her hands out in front of her and gathered energy in her palms. “Punk needle!” the energy repeatedly formed and shot from her palms and hit the Demon. While Twilight did that Dove brought her other hand up to her mouth and put her index finger and middle finger into the same position as the one in the air. Her hair started moving as the wind picked up. She closed her eyes and concentrated. The male angel looked at Dove then to Twilight then to the demon who was trying to attack Twilight.

“What the hell is she doing?” he stood back up and ran up to the demon trying to keep it away from Twilight. He clashed his sword with the demon’s claws many times before Twilight had a chance to answer.

“Well…lets just say she’s going to kick this thing in the ass a good round…if she does this thing right…”

He looked at her “that’s not exactly what I meant but…I think I get the point…”

“right…so shut up and keep it away from her or I’ll make sure that you never breath again!”

“uh…right…” as the demon headed towards Dove Twilight and the male angel accidentally collide their weapons.

“You idiot! Stay out of my way!” she jumped over the male angel and stood in front of the demon letting the claws hit her gauntlet instead of Dove. “you almost done yet?” she forced the demon back while waiting for Dove to finish.

“Kai!” she quickly opened her eyes. Twilight jumped out of the way and the demon charged for Dove.

“What the hell!? Move damn it!”

“Shut up!” Twilight punched the male angel “stay out of it! You don’t know what’s going on and we don’t have time to explain! So shut up and watch!”

The demon continued to charge for Dove and she only stood there and waited.