Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8

Chapter 2: A new school

In front of a military base stand two of the labeled angels in a human form. One had black hair with red tips. The other had brown hair.

“What do you think Lenne-chan?” the black haired girl smiled to the brown haired one.

Lenne smiled to the black haired girl. “if we fix it up it’ll be fine…you did a good job Momoko-chan”

“Arigatou!” the sun beat down on the two as they smiled at each other. They start to head into the military base as Momoko stops. “Oh! Wait!”

Lenne turned back to face her “non desko?”

Momoko weakly smiled “we don’t have any food here yet”

Lenne’s stomach growled and churned “heh…don’t remind me…”

“Alright then, Lets go to the store and get some food.” They got back into Momoko’s car and drove down to the store. They got into the store and had started picking out some foods that Lenne threw into the basket. Momoko didn’t care what it was she could make a meal out of pretty much anything. She was a really good cook and Lenne loved her cooking. It was basically all of Lenne’s favorites. Momoko didn’t really mind what she ate as long as it wasn’t codfish she was fine. She hated the stuff. Mostly because when she was growing up her parents worked at a Fish Market that’s main product was codfish so they brought it home everyday and made her eat it.

Lenne stopped at the Sushi area “Hey…Momoko…it’s almost the new year right?”

Momoko stopped looking at something new Lenne had picked out and looked at her. “Yeah…tonight’s New Year’s Eve…why?”

Lenne smiled and threw in a couple sushi bentou’s and continued on. Also grabbing souba noodles as she passed the aisle. They finally finished and checked out. They walked back to the car and some reason Momoko got stuck with all of the bags except for the ones containing the Sushi and the Souba noodles. She put them in the trunk of her car and they drove off again, heading back to the military base.

They went into the mess hall and started putting the food away. They went to their bunks and rested for a bit before going back out, and into the mess hall again. That was basically where everything was. The control room was separate though. They turned on the T.V and watched a funny show that Lenne enjoyed. Momoko had fun laughing at the stupidity of the comments made.

“Hey…Lenne-chan…” Momoko looked at Lenne for a moment.

“What is it Momo-chan?”

“what do you think they’ll be like?”

“well…I guess…it depends…Label angels usually have the same personality as their labels…so…preppy, skater, rocker, gothic, loner, and Emo…”

“right…do you think it’ll be easy to find them this time? I mean it took them 3 years to do it back in 3000…”

“Well it’s 3999 now…so…it shouldn’t be that hard…” Lenne smiled. “but I still don’t think it’ll be a walk on water…”

Momoko nodded and turned her head back to the T.V.

It was midnight and they had eaten their bentou’s and the souba noodles that Lenne forced Momoko to cook. Lenne cleaned up as she always did when Momoko cooked, and they went to their bunks and went to bed. Tomorrow was the first day of their new school. They were 2nd years, sophmores.

It was the next day and Lenne never got up on time. Momoko was already ready. Lenne on the other hand was still asleep. Momoko walked into the bunker to a pillow in the face already…and she hadn’t even touched Lenne. But that was to be expected seeing as lenne hated waking up. She was wrapped in her Pikachu blanket and snuggled with her Pikachu plushie. Momoko smiled softly and held up an air horn. She pressed the button and a loud noise exploded into the room.

“Wake up Lenne!” Momoko chuckled. She loved to wake Lenne up by almost sending her into shock. It was a routine from when they were kids except it was the other way around. This is all just pay back for Momoko.

“Alright…alright..” she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She threw another pillow at Momoko “Get out…stupid lesbian pervert…”

She was always this “cheerful” in the morning. “Alright…” she walked out. “I’ll be waiting in the car…” she did as she said she was going to do and waited in the car. She was finally joined by Lenne and Momoko started driving the school was only a couple blocks away so they were there in no time. She parked the car and they got out. It was breezy and the hair blowed through their hair.

“Hey!” some guy with silver hair walked up to them. He had a black beanie with the anarchy symbol on it and was wearing a blue shirt with black tight jeans and black Etnies. He had his hands in his pockets and a skate board stuck underneath his right arm.

“Hey!” Momoko smiled as she locked the car.

“You’re the new girls right?” he looked up but only his left eye showed.

“Yeah…who are you?” Lenne was still sort of hesitant seeing as she had only woken up a few minutes ago.

“Names Takashi…I was told to take you to the office so you can get you’re schedules and buy you’re uniforms…” he put his left hand behind his head and sighed. “so follow me…”

Lenne and Momoko looked at each other and shrugged. They ran to catch up to him.

“what are your names anyways?” he looked back at them.

“Names Lenne…” she closed her eyes and looked irritated.

“My name’s Momoko…” she smiled. She didn’t seem bothered in the mornings but she was very air headed. She tripped over the curb and landed on top of Takashi. “Ah! Gomen!” she rolled off him and into a puddle. “Damn it!” she sighed giving a sad looking face pointed towards Lenne.

“here…” Lenne held out her hand to help Momoko up. Momoko smiled and got up dusting herself off except she was wet. She sighed again.

“looks like you’re buying the uniform and wearing it today Momo-chan…” she chuckled. She, for some reason, couldn’t help but to laugh when Momoko was so clumsy.

Momoko only glared at Lenne and continued walking. Takashi had already gotten up. He still looked annoyed.

Takashi didn’t know them, and he didn’t like new girls. Especially when they were klutzes. For some reason all of the idiotic preps that he hated were crushing on him and he had hoped that these girls were different. Lenne deffinetly wasn’t a problem. She was more punk. But he wasn’t sure about Momoko. He just wasn’t sure. So he ignored her for the time being. They finally walked into the office.

“Sensei…here they are…we’re probably going to need their uniforms…well…one of them…”

“Why what hap—“ he walked out of the back room and looked at Momoko. “alright…what size?”

“Um…5…” she looked down.

“here…” he threw the uniform to her. She walked out then back it. “Uh…where are the bathrooms…?”

“Takashi…could you show her—“

“on it…” he walked out the door and they walked to the bathroom “here…” he pointed to the sign that said women.

“Thankyou” she smiled and walked into the bathroom. She changed and walked back out. The school uniform was a bit girly for her taste but she didn’t care. She was happy to be out of the nasty wet clothes from her scatter brained move in the parking lot. “Oh…and sorry about earlier…I’m a little air-headed in the morning” she weakly smiled.

Takashi chuckled, “you’re deffinetly nothing like them…”

“like who?” she looked at him tilting her head a bit.

“the preps…”

Momoko laughed. “Of course we aren’t preps…we despise them…both Lenne-chan and I…” she smiled. “sorry…I didn’t know that’s why you were being so quiet…” they walked back to the office and Lenne had already gotten the stuff. She had bought her uniform earlier and had put it on at home underneath her large black leather overcoat.

“Takashi…take us to our locker…locker A165…” she glared at him.

He nodded and gestured them to follow so they did and he knocked on one of the lockers. “here…”

Lenne made her way to the locker and opened it after the fifth time of trying. She put her over coat in side laid a piece of newspaper over it and put Momoko’s wet clothes on top.

“alright lets go…all of our classes are together.” They both nod and head to class with him.

Lenne is walking in front of course dragging Momoko behind her. Momoko is tripping trying to keep up as Lenne is way to fast and Takashi is rolling his eyes at her stupidity.

Lenne looked at Momoko “you always were a turtle Momo-chan…”

“shut up Lenne…it’s not my fault you’re a rabbit…” she looks away popping a vein.

“No it’s your fault that you’re the turtle” she chuckled and let go as they walked into the classroom. Lenne and Momoko stood at the front of the room.

“you must be the new students…right?”

they nodded.
“good…” he wrote their names on the white board and faced the class “Class…this is Lenne and Momoko…they are new here and I want you to treat them with respect. Now please take a vacant seat next to Takashi in the back…”

“yeah sure…” Lenne rolled her eyes and walked back to the back reluctantly and sat down.

Momoko smiled to her sensei and walked back and took her seat. As Momoko took her seat there was a strange feeling of weariness and as she sat down the chair gathered a Dark aura and moved back making Momoko fall to the floor. She squinted and cursed under her breath.

“Momo-chan? You clut—“ she noticed the dark aura.

Momoko looked back at the chair “great…just what we need…how are we supposed to deal with this Lenne-chan?”

Takashi looked and stood up grabbing his chair. “that’s my chair…here take this one…” his face was shadowed as he held out the chair.

Momoko reluctantly took it as she didn’t want him to sit in the demonic chair. But when he sat in it nothing really happened. Which made Momoko suspicious.