Chicken Soup For the Bad Touch Trio Soul

Propter Aliano Antiquae

"This is the most ridiculous show ever." Gilbert complained. He was practically ordered by his best friends and fellow Bad Touch Trio members that he just HAD to come over after school to watch this inane show with them. They were hopelessly addicted to a show called "Ancient Aliens" because Alfred got them hooked on it. It was a bizarre show that tried to explain why certain historical events, figures and structures were because of aliens. Aliens! It was ridiculous!

"Oh, just try it Gil! It's strange but interesting." Antonio sat down on the plush couch next to his friend and handed him the bowl of popcorn.

"Oui, you just might like it." Francis finished tying his blonde hair back and picked up the black remote off the coffee table, careful not to knock off their colas.

Still skeptical, Gilbert grudginly agreed to stay and watch it. However, in his special form of revenge, he sprawled across his two friends, using Toni's lap as a pillow and Francis's lap as his footrest.

The darkened room became full of light when the program started. Gilbert watched in boredom as the introduction began. Nothing special. Or so he thought.


An hour later, the popcorn and cola all gone, and Gilbert couldn't believe his eyes. The show was... over? No, it couldn't be!

"Why... did that make so much sense?" In all seriousness, Gilbert almost wanted to rewind the whole thing just to make sure that he didn't miss a single fact.

"No one knows, mon cher." Francis pried Gil away from the TV screen and got him to sit back on the couch.

The smell of churros wafted in from the kitchen where Toni was making their after-show snack. "Does this mean we can expect you for the next episode?"

"Ja, ja! It'd be so unawesome if I missed it!"

For the rest of their evening, Toni and Francis almost wanted to defenestrate the albino. Why? Well, propter Aliano Antiquae, of course!


Okay, translations:

Oui = yes
Ja = yes
propter aliano antiquae = because of ancient aliens

Not much to say on this one other than it was inspired during a conversation in Latin class between me and my France. XD